本文介绍了如何使用Azure CLI在Azure devops中获取发布管道的变量列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Azure CLI,我想要获取在发布管道中使用的变量列表.当前,我能够使用命令获取在构建管道中使用的变量列表 az管道变量列表

I am Using Azure CLI, What I want to get the list of variable used in release pipeline .Current I am able to get the list of variable used in build pipeline using commandaz pipelines variable List


Please let know how can I get the list of variables used in release pipeline using CLI "through console I don't want as it is difficult to copy and paste all variable used in release pipeline"


Azure Devops CLI中没有可用的命令来列出发布管道的变量,您必须使用 az devops调用 + rest api 可以获取您需要的长响应变量.

There's no command available in Azure Devops CLI to list the variables of release pipeline, you have to use az devops invoke + rest api to get the variables you want in long response.

要获取发布变量,我们可以使用此休息api ,让我将其转换为az devops invoke命令:

To get release variables we can use this rest api, let me convert it into az devops invoke command :

az devops invoke --org https://dev.azure.com/MyOrgName/ --area release --resource definitions --http-method Get --route-parameters project=MyProjectName definitionId=ReleaseDefinitionID --api-version 5.1 -o json



1.You should replace the MyOrgName, MyProjectName and ReleaseDefinitionID with the values on your side. And the ReleaseDefinitionID is something easy to find when we edit a release pipeline in web portal:


2.Since variables in release pipeline can be scoped in one stage or whole pipeline. Assuming I have VarA:Test1 in stage1, VarB:Test2 in stage2, and VarC:Test3 in whole release pipeline. The response would look like this structure:

"variables": {
        "VarC": {
            "value": "Test3"
    "variableGroups": [],
    "environments": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Stage 1",
            "variables": {"VarA" xxx},

            "id": 2,
            "name": "Stage 2",
            "variables": {"VarB" xxx}...


The variables have their different levels, please be careful with them. Hope it helps.


要使用az devops命令,没有此扩展名的人需要使用az extension add --name azure-devops之类的方式添加devops扩展名.

To use az devops command, someone who doesn't have this extension needs to add the devops extension using something like az extension add --name azure-devops.

这篇关于如何使用Azure CLI在Azure devops中获取发布管道的变量列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 21:07