In an interview for some company, I was asked this question.
您知道什么设计模式...然后,我被告知要编写基于MVC设计模式的最简单的"hello world"应用程序.
What design patterns do you know...then I was told to write simplest "hello world" application based on MVC Design Pattern.
I came up with a JavaScript program
var arr = ["a","b","c","d"]; // this is an array, same as store or model
alert(arr[0]); // this is controller
//and browser alert is a view.
later I was told that alert is a view. The basic concept about MVC I know is any changes in Model are reported to View. And there is a controller in between to call the methods.
您是否可以纠正我的方法,或者为Hello World MVC应用程序提出替代解决方案?还要解释MVC的细微方面.
Can you correct my approach, or come up with an alternate solution for hello world MVC application. Also explain subtle aspects of MVC.
var M = {}, V = {}, C = {};
M.data = "hello world";
V.render = function (M) { alert(M.data); }
C.handleOnload = function () { V.render(M); }
window.onload = C.handleOnLoad;
Controller (C
) listens on some kind of interaction/event stream. In this case it's the page's loading event.
Model (M
) is an abstraction of a data source.
View (V
) knows how to render data from the Model.
The Controller tells to View to do something with something from the Model.
- 除实现某些接口外,视图对模型一无所知
- 模型对视图和控制器一无所知
- 控制器同时了解模型和视图,并告诉视图对模型中的数据进行处理.
请注意,以上示例是出于演示目的的严重简化.对于JS MVC世界中的 real "hello world"示例,请查看 todoMVC
Note the above example is a severe simplification for demonstrating purposes. For real "hello world" examples in the JS MVC world go take a look at todoMVC
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