当值更改来自模型时,不会评估表达式."<- 我也需要这个.当模型以任何方式发生变化时,如何在控制器中触发动作?(输入输入或通过任何其他功能)感谢您的帮助.模型值实际上是 form.$valid,它有自己的 Form 控制器(我认为),这就是为什么我使用 action 函数尝试将值传递给父控制器.所以 $scope.$watch 目前不起作用,只有在初始化时才起作用. 解决方案 ngChange 仅用于输入,如果您想听模型,请这样做$scope.$watch('repair.test', function(newvalue,oldvalue) {});The input is the following:<input type="text" ng-model="repair.test" ng-change="action()" />The action() is executed when I manually type and change the input. However if I change the repair.test value by some other function programmatically, it doesnt fire the ng-change's action. I have read the angular tutorial and it's probably the expected behavior.https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngChange"The expression is not evaluated when the value change is coming from the model." <- I need this too.How can I fire an action in controller, when the model changes in any way? (typing in input or by any other function)Thanks for the help.Edit:The model value is actually the form.$valid, which has it's own Form controller around it (I think), that is why I used the action function to try to pass the value to the parent controller. So $scope.$watch at the moment doesn't work, only when it is initialised. 解决方案 ngChange is just for the input, if you want to listen the model do like this$scope.$watch('repair.test', function(newvalue,oldvalue) { }); 这篇关于Angular - ng-model 更改时,ng-change 不会触发的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 19:12