I want to make a button that displays a background color when hovering and a button color without a background color when the button is down. Here is my current code:
.windowButton:hover { background-color:#1a82b8; } .windowButton:active #windowClose polygon { fill:#1a82b8; }
上述代码的问题在于,当图标变为:active 但不会移除由:hover 设置的背景颜色。如何删除背景颜色?
The problem with the above code is that it turns the icon a color when :active but doesn't remove the background color set by :hover. How do I remove the background color?
您必须在上设置新的背景颜色:hover state
You have to set a new background color on :hover state
.windowButton:hover { background-color:#1a82b8; } .windowButton:active { fill:#1a82b8; background-color:#000000;/*You can put the color you want*/ }
Pseudo states inherit values. For consistency purposes, it is best to only declare the styles which you are changing in your pseudo state rules.
注意: :hover 必须出现在:link 和:visited 之后(如果它们存在)在CSS定义中,为了生效!
Note: :hover MUST come after :link and :visited (if they are present) in the CSS definition, in order to be effective!