

在 .NET 应用程序中,我如何确定使用哪个网络接口与给定的 IP 地址进行通信?

In a .NET application, how can I identify which network interface is used to communicate to a given IP address?

我在具有多个网络接口(IPv4 和 v6)的工作站上运行,我需要获取用于传输到给定数据库服务器的正确"接口的地址.

I am running on workstations with multiple network interfaces, IPv4 and v6, and I need to get the address of the "correct" interface used for traffic to my given database server.



UdpClient u = new UdpClient(remoteAddress, 1);
IPAddress localAddr = ((IPEndPoint)u.Client.LocalEndPoint).Address;

现在,如果您想要 NetworkInterface 对象,您可以执行以下操作:

Now, if you want the NetworkInterface object you do something like:

foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
   IPInterfaceProperties ipProps = nic.GetIPProperties();
   // check if localAddr is in ipProps.UnicastAddresses

另一种选择是使用 P/Invoke 并调用 GetBestInterface() 获取接口索引,然后再次循环遍历所有网络接口.和以前一样,您必须深入研究 GetIPProperties() 才能获得 IPv4InterfaceProperties.Index 属性).

Another option is to use P/Invoke and call GetBestInterface() to get the interface index, then again loop over all the network interfaces. As before, you'll have to dig through GetIPProperties() to get to the IPv4InterfaceProperties.Index property).


08-01 00:29