


I have gone through tons of questions about this issue here in Stackoverflow but I think this is different.


What I'm trying to do is give user ability to filter posts by tags so that one sees only the tags that are left for filtering. In other words if user selects tag "tag1", it show posts with that tag and also show other tags that post shares but hide tags that no visible post have after filtering.

我有表 posts posts_tags tags . Posts_tags具有post_id和tag_id.我已经设法使post_id与特定标签集一起可用:

I have tables posts, posts_tags and tags. Posts_tags have post_id and tag_id. I have managed to get post_ids available with specific tagset:

SELECT pt.post_id
FROM posts_tags pt
    INNER JOIN tags t
        ON pt.tag_id = t.id
WHERE t.name IN ('tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3')
GROUP BY pt.post_id

比方说,此查询给出了post_ids 1、2、3:

Let's say this query gives post_ids 1, 2, 3:

post 1 has tag1, tag2, tag3 and tag4
post 2 has tag1, tag2, tag3 and tag5
post 3 has tag1, tag2, tag3 and tag6

现在,我的问题是如何扩展查询以仅向用户返回tag4,tag5和tag6 ,因为这些标签仍可用于进一步过滤帖子.如何实现这一目标?

Now my problem is how to expand the query to return only tag4, tag5 and tag6 to user, because these tags are still available to filter posts further. How to achieve this?


Paying attention to performance would be also nice. I have 130000 posts, 6500 tags and bridge-table has 240000 rows.


  1. 用户查找具有自动完成功能的标签,并选择多个标签.
  2. 用户根据提交的标签检索帖子.
  3. 用户搜索更多标签,然后:

  1. User seaches tags with autocomplete and selects multiple tags.
  2. User retrieves posts based on submitted tags.
  3. User searches more tags and at that point:


I don't want to give full list but only the ones



b. Are used in posts that were retrieved at step 2.

基于Mosty Mostacho的答案的最终查询:

SELECT DISTINCT pt2.tag_id, t2.name FROM    
(SELECT pt1.post_id
    FROM posts_tags pt1
    INNER JOIN tags t1
        ON pt1.tag_id = t1.id
    WHERE t1.name in ('tag1','tag2','tag3')
    GROUP BY pt1.post_id
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT t1.id) = 3) MatchingPosts
INNER JOIN posts_tags pt2 ON (MatchingPosts.post_id = pt2.post_id)
INNER JOIN tags t2 ON (pt2.tag_id = t2.id)
WHERE t2.name NOT IN ('tag1','tag2','tag3');



Well, this is the best I can think of at 4:30 AM:

SELECT distinct tag_id FROM
    (SELECT pt1.post_id FROM pt1
    INNER JOIN tags t1 ON (pt1.tag_id = t1.id)
    WHERE t1.id IN (1, 2)
    GROUP BY pt1.post_id
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT t1.id) = 2) MatchingPosts
INNER JOIN pt2 ON (MatchingPosts.post_id = pt2.post_id)
WHERE (pt2.tag_id NOT IN (1, 2))


The (1, 2) are the tags you're looking for and the count, of course, will have to match the amount of tags you're using to filter.


Here is an example (Notice I slightly changed the data)


10-30 00:34