本文介绍了mysql ...在where子句不明确的地方的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                cat.CategoryID as CategoryID,
                count(p.ProductID) as CountProducts
                Category as cat
                LEFT JOIN Products as p on p.CategoryID IN 
                       (SELECT CategoryID FROM Category as cd 
                           WHERE cd.ParrentCategoryID = '876')
                CategoryID = '876'
            ORDER by Name


We are get error - "Column 'CategoryID' in where clause is ambiguous".




The error you get tells you that the column CategoryID in your WHERE clause is ambiguous, that means that the system has a problem to identify the appropriate column because there are multiple CategoryID columns.


In order to fix this problem, use the alias to specify which column you want to use for your WHERE clause:

SELECT cat2.CategoryID AS CategoryID
    ,cat2.Name AS CategoryName
    ,COUNT(p.ProductID) AS CountProducts
FROM Category AS cat
INNER JOIN Category AS cat2 ON cat2.ParrentCategoryID = cat.CategoryID
INNER JOIN Products AS p ON p.CategoryID = cat2.CategoryID
WHERE cat.CategoryID = '876'
GROUP BY cat2.CategoryID, cat2.Name
ORDER BY cat2.Name

我还对查询进行了一些更改,以获得相同的结果,但是我没有使用LEFT JOIN + IN子句+子查询的组合,而是使用了INNER JOIN子句.使用此查询,您只需定义一次所需的CategoryID,它将自动获取每个子类别.

I also changed a bit the query to get the same result but instead of using a combination of LEFT JOIN + IN clause + sub query, i used INNER JOIN clauses.With this query you only need to define your desired CategoryID once and it will automatically get every child categories.

我不确定您的查询是否正确运行,因为您使用的是COUNT函数,而未按CategoryID ...

I'm not sure that your query runs correctly because you're using the COUNT function without grouping the results by CategoryID...


Hope this will help you.

这篇关于mysql ...在where子句不明确的地方的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 12:30