

alert(1/0)提醒无限提醒(1 / -0 )警告 -Infinity alert(-1 / -0)提醒 Infinity ,正如我在使用 real进行某些操作时的预期数字。我不能说无穷大是一个可衡量的价值。 javascript是否认为它是某个数字?

alert(1/0) alerts Infinity and alert(1/-0) alerts -Infinity. alert(-1/-0) alerts Infinity, as I could expect when doing some operations with real numbers. I can't say that infinity is a measurable value. Does javascript think it is some number?


是, Infinity -Infinity 数字类型的特殊值。从ES5规范:

Yes, Infinity and -Infinity are special values of the Number type. From the ES5 spec:

另请注意 NaN 也是Number类型的值,尽管它是not a number的首字母缩写词。

Also note that NaN is a value of the Number type too, despite it being an acronym for "not a number".
