本文介绍了如何覆盖 .. 和 ... Ruby Ranges 的运算符以接受 Float::INFINITY?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想覆盖 Ruby 的 Range 中的 ..... 运算符.

I want to override the .. and ... operators in Ruby's Range.

原因是,我正在使用数据库中的无限日期范围.如果你从 Postgres 中取出一个 infinty 日期时间,你会在 Ruby 中得到一个 Float::INFINITY.

Reason is, I'm working with infinite date ranges in the database. If you pull an infinty datetime out of Postgres, you get a Float::INFINITY in Ruby.

问题在于,我不能使用 Float::INFINITY 作为范围的结尾:

The problem with this is, I cannot use Float::INFINITY as the end of a range:

=> Wed, 02 Nov 2016...Infinity 

# ArgumentError: bad value for range

# ArgumentError: bad value for range

...但我在我的代码中经常使用 ..... 语法.

... yet I use .. and ... syntax quite often in my code.

为了能够构建范围,您需要使用 DateTime::Infinity.new 代替:

To even be able to construct the range, you need to use DateTime::Infinity.new instead:

=> Wed, 02 Nov 2016...#<Date::Infinity:0x007fd82348c698 @d=1> 

=> Wed, 02 Nov 2016 12:57:07 +0000...#<Date::Infinity:0x007fd82348c698 @d=1> 

=> 2016-11-02 12:57:33 +0000...#<Date::Infinity:0x007fd82348c698 @d=1> 

但我每次都需要进行 Float::INFINITY -> DateTime::Infinity.new 转换:

But I would need to do the the Float::INFINITY -> DateTime::Infinity.new conversion every time:


有没有办法可以覆盖 ..... 运算符,以便我可以合并转换函数并保留语法糖?

Is there a way I can override the .. and ... operators so that I can incorporate the conversion function and keep the syntactic sugar?



I don't think that what you want to do is a correct way of solving such issue.

我的建议是简单地覆盖模型中的 end_date 方法:

What I would suggest instead, is to simply override the end_date method in model:

def end_date
  super == Float::INFINITY ? DateTime::Infinity.new : super

这基本上是说如果数据库中的 end_dateFloat::INFINITY 返回 DateTime::Infinity.new 作为 end_date,否则返回数据库中的内容.

This basically says if end_date in db is Float::INFINITY return DateTime::Infinity.new as end_date, otherwise return what's in database.

这篇关于如何覆盖 .. 和 ... Ruby Ranges 的运算符以接受 Float::INFINITY?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-20 22:32