


Is it possible to look up stylesheet values at runtime in Qt?

我正在使用一个来自QPushButton的自定义按钮,它有一些样式表属性设置。我想能够查找一些样式表设置,如边框宽度,边距,padding-top,padding-left,padding-right等。这是可能的,没有调用widget-> getStyleSheet()和解析。

I'm working on a custom button derived from QPushButton that has some stylesheet properties set. I'd like to be able to look up some stylesheet settings like border width, margin, padding-top, padding-left, padding-right, etc. Is this at all possible to do without calling widget->getStyleSheet() and parsing out the values myself?



Don't think so, you might be able to find something by stepping through the drawing code. But the parsing and the application of stylesheets is pretty optimised and uses a lot of preprocessing. I don't even think that you can get to the stylesheet of a widget if it was actually set in a parent.


05-19 19:21