

假设我有一个向量 v,我如何得到它的反向,即最后一个元素?

Suppose I have a vector v, how do I get its reverse, i.e. last element first?

首先想到的是v[length(v):1],但是当vnumeric(0),虽然用户通常希望排序不返回任何内容,但不排序返回不可用的内容 - 这对我来说确实有很大的不同.

The first thing that comes to me is v[length(v):1], but it returns NA when v is numeric(0), while user normally expect sorting nothing returns nothing, not sorting nothing returns the unavailable thing - it does make a big difference in my case.


你就快到了;rev 满足您的需求:

You are almost there; rev does what you need:

# [1] 3 2 1
# numeric(0)


# function (x)
# if (length(x)) x[length(x):1L] else x
# <bytecode: 0x0b5c6184>
# <environment: namespace:base>

numeric(0)的情况下,length(x)返回0.由于if需要一个逻辑条件,它强制length(x)TRUEFALSE.当 x 为 0 并且 TRUE 为任何其他数字时,as.logical(x) 恰好是 FALSE.

In the case of numeric(0), length(x) returns 0. As if requires a logical condition, it coerces length(x) to TRUE or FALSE. It happens that as.logical(x) is FALSE when x is 0 and TRUE for any other number.

因此,if (length(x)) 可以精确地测试您想要的内容 - x 的长度是否为零.如果不是,length(x):1L 有一个理想的效果,否则就不需要反转任何东西,正如@floder 在评论中所解释的那样.

Thus, if (length(x)) tests precisely what you want - whether x is of length zero. If it isn't, length(x):1L has a desirable effect, and otherwise there is no need to reverse anything, as @floder has explained in the comment.


07-17 15:59