I have a page that lists all of the public chatrooms and I am trying to have:total occupants / max users
IE.(05/10 房间里的人)
IE. (05/10 People in room)
扩展的 Disco 信息结果(查询房间信息)返回房间中的当前居住者,但不显示最大居住者点数是多少.
The Extended Disco Info Result (Querying For Room Information) returns the current occupants in the room, but does not show what the maximum occupant spots are.
How would I go about retrieving the Max Users for the room(s)?
在 XEP-0045,就在 示例 10 下方是指定允许字段的文本扩展发现结果,包括:
In XEP-0045, just below example 10 is the text specifying allowed fields in the extended discovery result, which includes:
...为 muc#roomconfig FORM_TYPE 定义的任何字段都可以包含在扩展服务发现字段中(如上所示的muc#roomconfig_changesubject"字段).
So a server supporting this would return in the discovery result a field such as the following:
<field var='muc#roomconfig_maxusers'
label='Maximum Number of Occupants'>
If your server doesn't return this, perhaps file a feature request.
这篇关于XMPP MUC 最大用户数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!