有没有办法使用 Tuple 类,但提供其中项目的名称?
Is there a way to use a Tuple class, but supply the names of the items in it?
public Tuple<int, int, int int> GetOrderRelatedIds()
返回 OrderGroupId、OrderTypeId、OrderSubTypeId 和 OrderRequirementId 的 ID.
That returns the ids for OrderGroupId, OrderTypeId, OrderSubTypeId and OrderRequirementId.
It would be nice to let the users of my method know which is which. (When you call the method, the results are result.Item1, result.Item2, result.Item3, result.Item4. It is not clear which one is which.)
(我知道我可以创建一个类来保存所有这些 Id,但是这些 Id 已经有它们自己的类,并且为这个方法的返回值创建一个类似乎很愚蠢.)
(I know I could just create a class to hold all these Ids, but it these Ids already have their own classes they live in and making a class for this one method's return value seems silly.)
在 C# 7.0 (Visual Studio 2017) 中有一个新的结构可以做到这一点:
In C# 7.0 (Visual Studio 2017) there is a new construction to do that:
(string first, string middle, string last) LookupName(long id)