


Since i am a .NET developer, I am planning to write a IE addon in .NET. Does anyone here have experience with/in developing IE extensions in .NET that can share their knowledge?

具体来说,我想了解优势和优势。与ATL COM相比,使用.NET执行此任务的缺点。

Specifically i like to know about advantages & disadvantages of using .NET for this task in comparison to ATL COM.



I'd rather say that advantages & disadvantages are not bound to IE addons but more to the programming languages and their platforms.


  • 它比C ++更容易,更安全

  • 易于创建和编程UI

  • 要求最终用户计算机安装特定的.NET Framework(您可以在兼容的框架上运行插件)

  • 使用更多内存

  • 如果需要,需要声明WinApi函数和常量

  • It is easier and more safe then C++
  • Easy to create and program UI
  • Requires end user machines to have a specific .NET Framework installed (you can run your addon on compatible frameworks)
  • Uses more memory
  • Requires to declare WinApi functions and constants if you need them

C ++(ATL COM方法):

C++ (ATL COM approach):

  • 使用更少的内存

  • 可以静态链接,因此不需要.Net框架,Visual C ++运行时等(换句话说,到处运行)

  • 易于调用WinApi

  • 需要更多的知识,而且通常比.NET更难。

  • 糟糕的UI编辑器(至少内置ATL / MFC)

  • Uses less memory
  • Can be statically linked thus does not require .Net frameworks, Visual C++ runtimes, etc (in other words run everywhere)
  • Easy to call WinApi
  • Requires more knowledge and generally more tough then .NET
  • Awful UI editor (at least the built-in for ATL/MFC)

因此,如果您是.NET的人,请注意与不同.NET Framework版本的兼容性。其他东西很小。

So if you are a .NET guy pay attention to compatibility with different .NET Framework versions. Other stuff is minor.


08-14 19:48