从本质上讲,我有一个必须在SQL查询中多次调用的值.因此,可以在语句中重用相同的命名占位符,例如SELECT :Param FROM Table WHERE Column = :Param
In essence, I have a value that I have to call a couple times in my SQL query. Thus, is it possible to reuse the same named placeholder in the statement e.g.SELECT :Param FROM Table WHERE Column = :Param
, then simply bindValue(":Param"), and have the value be there for both :Params?
PDO :: prepare 指出您不能在准备好的语句中两次使用相同名称的命名参数标记",所以我想那是不可以的.
PDO::prepare states that "you cannot use a named parameter marker of the same name twice in a prepared statement", so I guess that's a no then.