


I have search for bind parameters. But it just getting me confused. I'm really a beginner in php and mysql.


$query ="UPDATE table_user_skills SET rating='" . $_POST["rating"] . "' where rating_id='".$_POST['id']."'";

$result = $conn->query($query);


I wonder if how can i apply the bind parameters method in this sample query. Thanks for you response.


Thanks for all the responses. My code works


$sql = "UPDATE table_user_skills SET rating=? WHERE rating_id=?";

$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

$stmt->bind_param('sd', $myrate, $myrateid);

if ($stmt->errno) {
  echo "Error" . $stmt->error;
else print 'Your rate is accepted.';



在编写查询时,请将值( $_POST变量)保留在SQL代码之外,并代替其使用一个占位符.根据您在PHP中使用哪种接口与MySQL数据库进行通讯(有 MySQLi PDO ),则可以代替使用已命名或未命名的占位符.

When you write the query, leave the values (the $_POST variables) out of the SQL code and in their place use a placeholder. Depending on which interface you're using in PHP to talk to your MySQL database (there's MySQLi and PDO), you can use named or unnamed place holders in their stead.

$query = "UPDATE table_user_skills SET rating= :ratings where rating_id= :id";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);

我们在这里所做的是使用 PDO :: prepare将SQL代码发送到MySQL( 方法)以获取 PDOStatement 对象(由在上面的示例中).然后,我们可以使用 PDOStatement :: execute .请注意,SQL查询中的占位符的命名方式与您期望的$_POST变量一样.因此,这种SQL 代码永远不会与数据混淆,并且没有 SQL注入.

What we've done here is send the SQL code to MySQL (using the PDO::prepare method) to get back a PDOStatement object (denoted by $stmt in the above example). We can then send the data (your $_POST variables) to MySQL down a separate path using PDOStatement::execute. Notice how the placeholders in the SQL query are named as you expect your $_POST variables. So this way the SQL code can never be confused with data and there is no chance of SQL injection.


Please see the manuals for more detailed information on using prepared statements.


08-26 05:46