

在中,我写了C ++ 17代码:

In this answer I wrote the C++17 code:

cout << accumulate(cbegin(numbers), cend(numbers), decay_t<decltype(numbers[0])>{});

这收到一些关于C ++的类型关联的负面评论,我很遗憾地说我同意:(

This received some negative commentary about the nature of C++'s type association, which I'm sad to say that I agree with :(

decay_t< decltype(numbers [0])> {} 方式获取:


Is it possible to maintain the association with the type of numbers' elements, but not type like 30 characters to get it?


包含 accumulate 或从 numbers [0]中提取类型的很多答案。 。问题是他们需要读取器导航到辅助位置以读取解决方案,该解决方案不比初始化代码 decay_t {}

I've got a lot of answers involving the a wrapper for either accumulate or for extracting the type from numbers[0]. The problem being they require the reader to navigate to a secondary location to read a solution that is no less complex than the initialization code decay_t<decltype(numbers[0])>{}.

唯一的原因是我们不得不这样做: decltype(numbers [0])是因为返回引用:

The only reason that we have to do more than this: decltype(numbers[0]) Is because the array subscript operator returns a reference:


It's interesting that with respect to decltype's argument:

但是, decltype((numbers [0]))仍然只是对数字的元素的引用。所以最后这些答案可能就像我们可以简化这个初始化一样:(

However, decltype((numbers[0])) is still just a reference to an element of numbers. So in the end these answers may be as close as we can come to simplifying this initialization :(


个人偏好:舞蹈很烦人和困难的 decay_t decltype

Personal preference: I find the decay_t, decltype and declval dance pretty annoying and hard to read.

相反,我会使用一个额外的间接级别通过type-trait value_t< it> init = R {}

Instead, I would use an extra level of indirection through a type-trait value_t<It> and zero-initialization through init = R{}

template<class It>
using value_t = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;

template<class It, class R = value_t<It>>
auto accumulate(It first, It last, R init = R{}) { /* as before */ }


09-05 23:33