


Is there a way to tell TypeScript to use a certain file (or set of files) as a definition for everything compiled?


My only alternative currently is to add something like this in every single TypeScript file (which seems clunky):

/// <reference path="DefinitelyTyped/requirejs/require.d.ts" />



When using TypeScript's internal module system, you can avoid having any <reference> tags at all in the code. I personally do this because I don't want to encode paths (realtive or absolute) within the code as I constantly move stuff around.


One way to do this is by making sure all required declaration files and TypeScript source files are passed to the compiler as arguments during compile time.

gulp gulp-typescript 简化了此任务.您可以将gulp-typescript中的noExternalResolve设置为true,并创建gulp任务,这些任务将所有.d.ts文件以及源文件都带走,并将其通过管道传递给编译器.将 tsd 放入堆栈时,只需传递包含对所有内容的引用的tsd.d.ts文件通过tsd安装的其他定义文件.

Using gulp together with gulp-typescript simplifies this task. You can set noExternalResolve in gulp-typescript to true, and create gulp tasks that take all your .d.ts files along with your sources and pipe it down to the compiler. When you pull in tsd into your stack, you only need to pass the tsd.d.tsfile that contains references to all other definition files installed via tsd.

TypeScript> = v1.5的更新:您可以使用 tsconfig.json 文件,编译器将正确获得类的顺序.这消除了一起使用gulp-typescript的需要.您可以选择在tsconfig.json文件中明确列出所有文件,或者完全省略files属性,以将所有*.ts/*.tsx文件包括在tsconfig.json所在的目录中(包括所有子文件夹).

UPDATE for TypeScript >= v1.5: you can use a tsconfig.json file, and the compiler will get the ordering of the classes right. This removes the need to use gulp-typescript alltogether. You can either chose to have all files explicitly listed in the tsconfig.json file, or completely leave out the files property to include all *.ts/*.tsx files within the directory the tsconfig.json resides (including all subfolders).


    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "ES5",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "lib": [ "es5", "es2015.promise", "dom" ]
    "include": [


07-29 13:15