


任何人都可以建议我一些开源API 或者算法代码用于检测文档捕获图像的角落。

一些如何,我得到了一个名为 OpenCV 非常认可


  CvContourScanner cvStartFindContours(IplImage * img,
CvMemStorage *存储,
int headerSize,
Cv ChainApproxMethod方法);

int cvFindContours(IplImage * img,
CvMemStorage * storage,
CvSeq ** firstContour,
int headerSize = sizeof(CvContour),
CvContourRetrievalMode mode = CV_RETR_LIST,
CvChainApproxMethod method = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);


您的问题的目标是,如何在ios / iPhone上使用OpenCV,然后您可以查看以下网站。准备好的XCode项目文件,用于iOS项目:


I am looking something like attached image, How can I implement this in iPhoneSDK.

Can anybody suggest me some open source API or Algorithm Code to detect the corners of captured image of a document.

Some How, I got an open source API called OpenCV which recognize the Human Face very well. I want to use the same API if possible.Now the problem Is how can I make the changes in those static libraries according to my requirement to Scan the Document edges.Alternatively,

how to detect for the square/rectangle object in the captured image ?


When you are already using openCV you might know the Reference Manual:


On page 10-6 there is a reference to the set of contour detection functions:

CvContourScanner cvStartFindContours(IplImage* img,
                                     CvMemStorage* storage,
                                     int headerSize,
                                     CvContourRetrievalMode mode,
                                     CvChainApproxMethod method );

int cvFindContours( IplImage* img,
                    CvMemStorage* storage,
                    CvSeq** firstContour,
                    int headerSize=sizeof(CvContour),
                    CvContourRetrievalMode mode=CV_RETR_LIST,
                    CvChainApproxMethod method=CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );

I hope that helps.

When the target of your question was, how to use OpenCV on ios/iPhone then you can have a look at the following Sites. Ready made XCode project files for use in an iOS project:


Another StackOverflow post with very valuable information can be found here:

iPhone and OpenCV


07-22 17:14