本文介绍了Angular 2中的HTTP转换请求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am attempting to add a single parameter to all my web requests so that caching is forcibly disabled. All I want to do is add

?v=1535DC9D930 // Current timestamp in hex


我在普通的ES5 JS中写这个,但所有文档都在Typescript中,需要一段时间才能转换。到目前为止我有以下内容:

I am writing this in plain ES5 JS, but all the documentation is in Typescript which is taking a little while to convert. I have the following so far:

(function(app) {
    app.CustomHttp = ng.core
            constructor: [ng.http.Http, function(http) {
                this.http = http;
            request: function() {
                return this.http.request.apply(arguments);
            get: function() {
                return this.http.get.apply(arguments);
            post: function() {
                return this.http.post.apply(arguments);
            put: function() {
                return this.http.put.apply(arguments);
            delete: function() {
                return this.http.delete.apply(arguments);
            patch: function() {
                return this.http.patch.apply(arguments);
            head: function() {
                return this.http.head.apply(arguments);
})(window.app || (window.app = {}));

(function(app) {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
            [ng.core.provide(ng.http.Http, { useClass: app.CustomHttp })]
        ).catch(function(error) {
})(window.app || (window.app = {}));

该应用程序完全有效,但 console.log(this) CustomHttp 中的code>,当我在浏览器中检查 ng.http.HTTP_PROVIDERS 时它似乎没有使用 CustomHttp 。我也尝试过:

The app fully works, yet the console.log(this) in the CustomHttp never gets called, and when I inspect ng.http.HTTP_PROVIDERS in the browser it doesn't appear to be using CustomHttp. I have also tried:

[ng.http.HTTP_PROVIDERS, ng.core.provide(ng.http.Http, { useClass: app.CustomHttp })]

在我的 boot.js 无济于事。


I'm sure there is something tiny that I am missing, or that I have massively over complicated this (How hard can it be to add a single parameter to all get requests?).


仅使用ES5拦截HTTP请求并不容易,主要是因为你没有 super 的支持。

Intercepting HTTP requests with ES5 only isn't so easy mainly because you don't have the support of super.

首先创建一个函数来保存请求获取,... ng.http.Http 对象的方法等价 _request _get 。这允许模拟类似 super.get()的内容。否则,在定义自己的方法时,它们将被覆盖(并丢失)。

First create a function to save the request, get, ... methods of the ng.http.Http object into equivalent _request, _get ones. This allows to simulate something like super.get(). Otherwise they will be overriden (and lost) when defining your own methods.

function createHttpClass() {
  var Http = function() {}
  Http.prototype = Object.create(ng.http.Http.prototype);
  Http.prototype._request = Http.prototype.request;
  Http.prototype._get = Http.prototype.get;
  Http.prototype._post = Http.prototype.post;
  Http.prototype._put = Http.prototype.put;
  Http.prototype._delete = Http.prototype.delete;
  Http.prototype._head = Http.prototype.head;
  return Http;

然后你可以创建一个自定义 HttpClass 扩展 ng.core.Http 一:

Then you can create a custom HttpClass that extends the ng.core.Http one:

var CustomHttp = ng.core
    constructor: function(_backend, _defaultOptions) {
      this._backend = _backend;
      this._defaultOptions = _defaultOptions;
    extends: createHttpClass(),
    request: function() {
      return this._request.apply(this, arguments);
    get: function() {
      return this._get.apply(this, arguments);

您可以注意到我利用 extends 使用 createHttpClass 函数创建对象的属性。

You can notice that I leverage the extends attribute with the object create using the createHttpClass function.

您最终需要为此<$ c注册提供程序$ c> CustomHttp class:

You need finally to register the provider for this CustomHttpclass:

ng.platform.browser.bootstrap(AppComponent, [
  ng.core.provide(ng.http.Http, {
    useFactory: function(backend, defaultOptions) {
      return new CustomHttp(backend, defaultOptions);
    deps: [ng.http.XHRBackend, ng.http.RequestOptions]


Here is the corresponding plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/tITkBJcl4a5KVJsB7nAt.


This implementation is inspired from the TypeScript one. See this question for more details:

  • Angular 2 (Ionic 2): intercept ajax requests

这篇关于Angular 2中的HTTP转换请求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 17:50