

我有一个 ZonedDateTime 对象,它的构造如下

I have an object of ZonedDateTime that is constructed like this

ZonedDateTime z = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.now().atTime(11, 30), ZoneOffset.UTC);

如何将其转换为 LocalDateTime 瑞士的时区?预期结果应为 2018年4月16日13:30

How can I convert it to LocalDateTime at time zone of Switzerland? Expected result should be 16 april 2018 13:30.


您可以将UTC转换为<$ c将$ c> ZonedDateTime 转换为具有瑞士时区的 ZonedDateTime ,但保持相同的时间,然后获取 LocalDateTime ,如果需要的话。我很想将其保留为 ZonedDateTime ,除非出于某些其他原因而需要将其保留为 LocalDateTime

You can convert the UTC ZonedDateTime into a ZonedDateTime with the time zone of Switzerland, but maintaining the same instant in time, and then get the LocalDateTime out of that, if you need to. I'd be tempted to keep it as a ZonedDateTime unless you need it as a LocalDateTime for some other reason though.

ZonedDateTime utcZoned = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.now().atTime(11, 30), ZoneOffset.UTC);
ZoneId swissZone = ZoneId.of("Europe/Zurich");
ZonedDateTime swissZoned = utcZoned.withZoneSameInstant(swissZone);
LocalDateTime swissLocal = swissZoned.toLocalDateTime();


09-18 12:56