Lets assume we are talking about 32bit system.
PHP不支持无符号INT。这意味着INT值应介于-2,147,483,648和2,147,483,647之间。 INT需要4个字节来存储一个32位长的值。
PHP doesn't support unsigned INT. It means that INT value should be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 values. And INT takes 4 bytes to store a value which are 32 bits length.
So does it mean that I have only 31 bits for value and 1 bit for sign? Or I can use whole 32 bits to store a value?
你 使用整个32位。只是默认输出函数将解释为有符号整数。如果要显示值raw,请使用:
You are using the whole 32 bits. It's just that the default output functions interpret it as signed integer. If you want to display the value "raw" use:
printf("%u", -1); // %u for unsigned
由于PHP处理内部签名的整数,因此只能使用位算术,但不是添加/乘法等 - 如果你希望它们表现得像无符号整数。
Since PHP handles the integers signed internally however, you can only use bit arithmetics, but not addition/multiplication etc. with them - if you expect them to behave like unsigned ints.