我目前开始使用ASP.Net Web表单一个新网站的发展。为了让这个项目有正确的开始,我调查的一个Visual Studio解决方案安装应用程序,在这里我想我的应用程序包括那些大小相等很容易辨认组件(code线)。
I am currently starting the development of a new website using ASP.Net Webforms. To give this project a proper start I am investigating a visual studio solution setup for the application, where I want my application to consist of easily recognizable components that are equal in size (lines of code).
Since the project is hasn’t actually started yet I have structured the solution in a standard three tier setup (data, business logic and presentation). This setup is fine at the start of the project but as the project grows the three tiers will soon start to become big and navigating and finding code will become harder which will hurt maintainability and overall feel of quality.
So during the project I want to convert to a new setup where I form functional components that each has their own three tier setup. For example: the website has a shopping cart and options to create and manage a user account. There should also be component for stull used across multiple components, which I will call common for this example. That would lead to the following setup:
- Project.Common.Data
- Project.Common.Business
- Project.Common。presentations
- Project.Shoppingcart.Data
- Project.Shoppingcart.Business
- Project.Shoppingcart。presentations
- Project.Account.Data
- Project.Account.Business
- Project.Account。presentations
- Project.Website.Data
- Project.Website.Business
- Project.Website。presentations
上面的示例有各自包含三个项目三个组成部分。每个组件都有一个包含网页文件(网页,控件,前端code)一种Web应用程序项目。我所有的previous .NET项目都有一个简单的Web应用程序项目,所以这种设置对我来说是一个全新的体验。
The sample above has three components that each contains three projects. Each component has one web application project that contains web files (pages, controls, front-end code). All my previous .Net project all had a simple web application project, so this setup is a new experience for me.
I still want the solution to feel as one application, being able to debug the website and the components with ease. To achieve this I assume the "Project.Web.Presentation" web application project should be the main web application project. I am currently investigating if it is possible to setup a solution this way, I have tried several approaches but none have worked well so far:
Running all the web application project separately, this worked fine but I have to run all the application separately and I cannot run them under the same port which is terrible when debugging.
Adding files from other presentation projects as links to the "Project.Web.Presentation" project and set that project as startup project. This doesn’t work as the files aren’t present at debug time, seems to work fine when building a deployment package. I do not want to copy the files since I have to somehow prevent those duplicate files from ending up in version control.
So far I haven’t found a good way to work with setup I have in mind. I am open to suggestions, thanks in advance for the tips!
I'm working on something similar and decided to use NuGet to push out all the common parts:
其他唯一的方式做到这一点涉及到嵌套母版页和后构建脚本 - 凌乱
The only other way to do this involves nested master pages and post build scripts - messy.
这篇关于Visual Studio解决方案中的多个Web应用程序项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!