当我在Windows上通过samba共享gig git时,我想通过git_extentions或tortoiseGIT提交文件时出现错误。
错误:无法写入sha1文件名.git / objects / b4 / e819f886bf31b67c42249a0eff8e8b16cf7622:权限被拒绝
When i am usig git over samba share on windows i get an error when i want to commit a file via git_extentions or tortoiseGIT.The error is:error: unable to write sha1 filename .git/objects/b4/e819f886bf31b67c42249a0eff8e8b16cf7622: Permission deniedWhen i add the file via the ubuntu server and commit the file it works fine.I am also working in a banrch.
我已经尝试chmod 777整个.git文件夹。
I already tryed to chmod 777 the whole .git folder.
I've seen this, too. It's a git defect, likely to do with how it creates and modifies files. To clarify the problem:
# mount a samba share locally.
$ mount -t cifs options //share/project /mnt/project
# The share contains a git checkout.
# Do some typical development.
$ cd /mnt/project
$ vi file ## ok
$ git pull ## ok
$ git status ## ok
$ git add file ## error!
error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename
.git/objects/8b/tmp_obj_mYE1Xi: Permission denied
## But everything from the shell seems to work.
$ ls -latr .git/objects/8b/ ## ok. empty dir.
$ touch .git/objects/8b/tmp_obj_mYE1Xi ## ok.
$ echo test123> .git/objects/8b/tmp_obj_mYE1Xi ## ok.
$ cat .git/objects/8b/tmp_obj_mYE1Xi ## ok.
$ rm .git/objects/8b/tmp_obj_mYE1Xi ## ok.
在git版本1.5.6.5(最新的Debian软件包)中,当您尝试 GIT-添加
In git version (latest Debian package), you get the error when you try to git-add
. If you install git (latest release), you can add the file, but you will get the error when you attempt to commit.
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