本文介绍了SSRS - 打开数据集属性 Windows 崩溃 Visual Studio 2013的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 MVC 框架中有 Web 应用程序,里面有 SSRS 报告..

I have Web Application in MVC Framework having SSRS Reports inside..

我在我的应用程序中设计了几个 .rdlc 报告.

I have designed couple of .rdlc reports in my application.

突然从昨天开始,当我在新报告中打开 report Wizard 或在现有报告中打开 Add new Dataset 时,visual studio 停止工作.

Suddenly from yesterday, when i open report Wizard in New Report or open Add new Dataset in existing report, visual studio stops working.


but when i opened backup Project (backup taken before two days), it is working fine.. it allows adding new dataset or working correct report wizard in it..

所以我认为我当前的项目中有一些设置已更改(可能在 .csproj 文件中)

so i think there is some setting that has been changed in my current project(may be in .csproj file)


so what settings i need to change in my application...




I have found something related to this error..

当我在我的应用程序中添加了 ChilkatDotNet45.dll 并添加了与它相关的代码时,之后我遇到了这个问题..当我删除这个 dll 文件时,所有报告的东西都可以正常工作..

When i have added ChilkatDotNet45.dll in my Application and added code related it, after then i am getting this problem.. when i remove this dll file, all report stuffs working fine..


so i am close to this solution but dont know how to solve it...

ChilkatDotNet45.dllSSRS 报告服务 之间有什么问题????以及如何解决???

what is the problem between ChilkatDotNet45.dll and SSRS Reporting Service ??? And how to solve it ???


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08-04 00:32