I have been using fastlane for uploading app to hockey and testflight.
I wanna use for S3 also and checking their document. I only have limited knowledge in S3.
# All of these are used to make Shenzhen's `ipa distribute:s3` command
access_key: ENV['S3_ACCESS_KEY'], # Required from user.
secret_access_key: ENV['S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], # Required from user.
bucket: ENV['S3_BUCKET'], # Required from user.
ipa: 'AppName.ipa', # Optional is you use `ipa` to build
dsym: 'AppName.app.dSYM.zip', # Optional is you use `ipa` to build
path: 'v{CFBundleShortVersionString}_b{CFBundleVersion}/', # This is actually the default.
upload_metadata: true, # Upload version.json, plist and HTML. Set to false to skip uploading of these files.
version_file_name: 'app_version.json', # Name of the file to upload to S3. Defaults to 'version.json'
version_template_path: 'path/to/erb' # Path to an ERB to configure the structure of the version JSON file
If I need to upload to /Main/bin/Dev, my bucket will be Main. But where and how can I describe my path ? Is it here (path:) ?
If so, where can I put AWS access key? It will still be in one of the text file and will commit to svn or git.
该想法是将其存储在环境变量中,通常人们使用.env .确保不提交.版本控制中的文件.
The idea is to store it in an environment variable, usually people use .env for that. Make sure to not commit the . file in version control.