How do I replace a flash movie on a website with a quicktime movie?I don't even know where to begin.
In the light of the new information you have posted about your question, I think SuperUser would be a better place for this question, rather than StackOverflow. That being said, on to the answer:
Although fenomas did a great job explaining video conversion to this particular format in a nutshell, this is by no means a topic that can be fully explained in a post, and since there are literally dozens of ways of converting, I will only explain what I did:
使用Adobe Media Encoder我已将您的FLV文件转换为未压缩的AVI文件,以进行进一步处理(因为QT Pro无法直接打开FLV文件).尽管AME可以选择直接转换为MOV,但我通常会发现它没有为高级用户提供足够的选项,因此导出了不必要的大文件(至少对于.mov视频而言).请注意,无论格式如何,未压缩的视频文件通常都会非常大,特别是该视频的未压缩形式超过1.3 GB.
Using Adobe Media Encoder I have converted your FLV file to an uncompressed AVI file for further processing (because QT Pro can not open FLV files directly). Although AME has the option of converting directly to MOV, I usually find that it does not provide enough options for the advanced user, thus exporting unnecessarily large files (for .mov videos, at least). Note that an uncompressed video file, regardless of the format will usually be extremely large, this video in particular was over 1.3 GB in its uncompressed form.
然后我使用QuickTime Pro打开了导出的AVI文件,并使用导出"选项将其编码为QT视频.我使用h264编解码器对视频进行编码,并进行了多遍编码,并限制了比特率1000 kbps,以减小文件大小.但是请注意,这不是食谱"-必须根据正在编码的视频来调整这些设置,并且通常取决于视频的大小.可以将这个特定的视频进一步压缩为更小的文件大小-这全都在于找到文件大小和质量的正确组合.对于音频,我以44.1 KHz的采样率和96kbps的比特率使用了AAC,这在只有旁白/旁白而不是实际音乐的情况下已经足够了.
I have then opened the exported AVI file with QuickTime Pro, and I have used the Export option to encode it to QT video. I used the h264 codec for encoding the video, with a multi-pass encode and a limit of 1000 kbps for the bitrate to keep the file-size down. Please note however that this is not a "recipe" - these settings must be adjusted depending on the video that's being encoded and it usually depends on the video size. This particular video might be further compressed to an even smaller file-size -- it's all about finding the right combination of file-size and quality. For the audio I have used AAC at a sample rate of 44.1 KHz and a bitrate of 96kbps, which is more than plenty when there is only a voice-over/narration and not actual music.
下载包含已编码视频的zip文件(约26 MB)后,将其解压缩并上传到服务器中,该文件与将要嵌入的文件位于同一文件夹中(如果您不想进行修改)下面的嵌入代码).上传文件后,用以下代码替换您发布的作为对fenomas答案的注释的代码段:
After you have downloaded the zip file (~26 MB) containing the encoded video, unzip it and upload it to your server, in the same folder as the file it's going to be embedded in (if you do not want to modify the embedding code below). Once the file is uploaded, replace the piece of code that you have posted as a comment to fenomas' answer with the following code:
<object CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="320" height="240" CODEBASE="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
<param name="src" value="debbie.mov">
<param name="autoplay" value="false">
<param name="controller" value="true">
<param name="type" value="video/quicktime">
<embed src="debbie.mov" width="320" height="240" autoplay="false" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" />
If everything was done correctly, you should now have an embedded .mov file in your website :)