


I have this simple scenario. User click on an edit button, he go to a page with form filled on every fields. He change something and click save, very simple. In jquery we just bind and get the values from the DOM, in angularjs 2 way binding works the same, but how about in react?


I often seeing people get the form value by binding the input to onChange, but in the edit case, the user might not touch every fields. I don't think state is needed. I need to bind my data

var item = {
    "dates": {
    "contract": [
          {"id":1,"name":"1 month","value":false},
          {"id":2,"name":"2 months","value":true}

我还有一个问题。我收到了警告在< select>上使用'defaultValue'或'value'道具而不是在< option>上设置'selected'。

I have one more problem. I got warning of Use the 'defaultValue' or 'value' props on <select> instead of setting 'selected' on <option>.


对于你的问题< select> ,。因此,在选项上使用选择,不推荐使用React。

For you problem with <select>, React is able to read the props value on <select>. As a result, using selected on option with React is deprecated.


For your problem about creating a state or not, you can avoid it by, when submitting the form, reading each of the inputs value. Each input can be accessed using React ref propertie. But you'll have to bind each of the inputs:

<input type="text" ref={(input) => { this.textInput = input; }} />


07-22 13:00