

想象一下,您有一个具有10个Mio记录的表"users"和一个具有1个mio记录的表"groups".平均每个组有50个用户,我至少将它们存储在一个名为users2groups的表的rdbms中. users2groups实际上是一个稀疏矩阵.用户和组的全部数据集中只有80%可以容纳到可用内存中.组成员资格(users2groups)的数据位于最前面,因此,如果需要内存来缓存组成员资格,则必须从用户或组表或这两者中重新分配.

Imagine you have a table 'users' with 10 Mio records and a table 'groups' with 1 mio records. In average you have 50 users per group which I would store at least in an rdbms in a table called users2groups. users2groups is in fact a sparse matrix. Only 80% of the full dataset of users and groups fit into available memory. The data for the group membership (users2groups) comes on top, so that if memory is needed to cache group memberships this has to be deallocated from either the users or the groups table or both.


  • 通过名称AND快速查找用户
  • 通过名称"AND"快速查找组
  • 快速获取组中的所有用户,并且
  • 快速获取用户所属的所有组


From experiences I know, that disk latencies determine your access speed to a good extend. Also you can balance between read and write speed. However before one can do this one has to decide for a database type these days... such as:

  • 关系DBMS
  • 键值存储
  • 文档存储
  • RDF商店
  • 面向对象的DBMS
  • 图形DBMS
  • 搜索引擎
  • 多值DBMS
  • 本地XML DBMS
  • 宽列存储
  • 内容商店
  • 导航DBMS
  • (压缩的)位图
  • 文件
  • 更多...?
  • Relational DBMS
  • Key-value stores
  • Document stores
  • RDF stores
  • Object oriented DBMS
  • Graph DBMS
  • Search engines
  • Multivalue DBMS
  • Native XML DBMS
  • Wide column stores
  • Content stores
  • Navigational DBMS
  • (compressed) Bitmaps
  • files
  • more...?

因此问题是,当RAM容量低于可用数据(考虑到稀疏的混合)时,所有这些系统中的哪个或哪些组合具有最佳的整体读取访问性能(具有可接受的写入访问性能)? ...以及在所选技术中如何平衡所有三个实体/表的内存利用率??

So the question is which of all these systems or which combinations give the best overall read access performance (with an acceptable write access performance) when RAM capacity is lower then available data considering sparse matixes? ...and how has the memory utilization accross all three entities/tables has to be balanced in the choosen technology...?


Since this is a conceptional question disk space and cpu capacity are out of scope or considered to be available "indefinitely".

顺便说一句.我知道,通过使用基于哈希的索引(例如crc32(lower(STRING)))可以有效地加快搜索诸如用户名或组名之类的名称-例如,选择select可能是这样:从中选择有用的东西名称= SEARCHSTRING和hash = crc32(lower(SEARCHSTRING))的用户.但是,当我说用户表和组表具有80%的RAM覆盖率时,哈希及其索引尚未包含在内存中.那是因为我不清楚是否没有更好的集成解决方案.目前,我只是认为,将整个主题分成用户,组和users2groups三个部分是最明智的.我这里没有证据.

Btw. I am aware that searching for names such as user names or group names can efficiently be speeded up by the use of indexes based on hashes (eg. crc32(lower(STRING))) - an example select would than be this: select somethinguseful from users where name=SEARCHSTRING and hash=crc32(lower(SEARCHSTRING)). However the hashes and their indexes are not included in the memory yet, when I said the users and groups table have 80% RAM coverage. That's because I am unclear, if there is not a better integrated solution. At the moment I just assume, that breaking up the whole topic into three pieces users, groups and users2groups is most sensible. I am lacking proof here.

--------------------更新-------------------------- -----------

-------------------- UPDATE -------------------------------------


I understand that there are competing concepts on the table:

  • 反规范化扩展到了很大的程度,在这里我可以减少对磁盘的查询. (例如mongodb等)
  • 压缩数据,以便大多数数据无论如何都适合内存(例如压缩位图)

非规范化意味着:增加数据量",这两个概念似乎相互矛盾.是否存在最佳实践或科学或明智的论据,何时使用非规范化以及何时使用挤压数据方法?例如. KPI的说法是:如果内存中的内存不足80%,该去非规范化吗?

As denormalization means: 'blowing up data volumes' these both concepts seem to contradict each other. Are there best practices or scientific or sensible arguments, when to use denormalization and when to use the squeeze data approach? Eg. a KPI saying: If less than 80% fit into memory, go for denormalization or so?

--------------------更新-------------------------- -----------

-------------------- UPDATE -------------------------------------


Extra memory costs extra money, most db servers have usually lots of empty disk space getting bored on their feet. So denormalization is cheap. On the other hand denormalization opportunities are limited: Disk latency physically limits the amount of max queries per second, full stop. So too many queries against disk get queued which constrains denormalization to an extend for applications with lots of traffic. Even denormalized data access speed depends on memory to a large extend.


So maybe KPIs are not possible here. Anyway for the given sparse matrix expample how does denormalization and the squeeze data approach need to be balanced? I thought at compressing the users and groups table, leave them in a rdbms and than assign the freed memory to a cache of a document db which serves the users2groups relations. However this introduces a whole set of new issues such as muliple round trips to deal with 2 database systems and more complicated query management. So how to tackle this down?


----------------------- UPDATE -----

根据拉吉文的建议,仅具有标记关系的稀疏矩阵似乎是通过一种明智的方式解决的:拥有2个表用户和组,然后在表用户中有一个具有与组相关的ID的multipe ID字段,反之亦然在表组中,包含与用户相关的字段的多个ID字段.我猜这种解决方案与特定技术没有紧密结合.它甚至可以通过VARBINARY或任何Blob在MYSQL中实现.

As per suggestion of lagivan the sparse matrix with only flagging relations seems to be solved in a sensible way: have 2 tables users and groups and then have in the table users a multipe ID field with IDs related to groups and vice versa have in table groups a multiple ID fields with fields related to users. I guess this solution is not tightly coupled to a specific technology. It could even be implemented in MYSQL via VARBINARY or any blobs.

问题的突出部分与包含某些果汁信息"(例如状态或lastupdatedate)的稀疏矩阵有关.因此,使用外键数组会从概念上禁用那些信息.因此,针对这种情况的原始问题仍然悬而未决:在RAM容量低于可用数据(考虑到稀疏混合)的情况下,所有这些系统中的哪个或哪些组合具有最佳的总体读取访问性能(具有可接受的写入访问性能)? ...以及在所选技术中如何平衡所有三个实体/表的内存利用率??

The outstanding part of the question is related to sparse matrixes that contain some 'juice information' like status or lastupdatedate. So using foreign key arrays would sort of disable those information by concept. So the original questions for such scenario is still open: Which of all these systems or which combinations give the best overall read access performance (with an acceptable write access performance) when RAM capacity is lower then available data considering sparse matixes? ...and how has the memory utilization accross all three entities/tables has to be balanced in the choosen technology...?



This aims the part of the question which is related to sparse matrixes that contain some 'juice information' like status or lastupdatedate.


I tried to generalize the first part of the answer: In fact I did not find a real reason, why to change away from RDBMS into any other technology to solve sparse matrixes better. So let's consider RDBMS (where denormalized data can be stored in varbinary or blobs) only. I am a big fan of normalization. However what I learned now, is: Denormalize, if denormalization results in lower memory consumption considering data AND index data. Normalization rules target to optimize data's memory consumption without taking into account, that there are scenarios such as sparse matrixes (with indexed foreign-foreign-key-pairs) that can easily confuse benefits and efforts of normalization. I sort of also (re-)learned, that squeeze data into memory as good as possible is THE key to performance (also lagivan argued on performance leverage based on caching).


Having said that, there are various options to go for the second part on the answer:


the one's from Lagivan's Update +

  • 每个果汁信息"用例都有自己的汇总/跟踪/审核表-也就是根据聚合数据及时进行反规范化.
  • 组合非规范化和规范化,其中非规范化仅适用于简单的关系(请参见答案的第一部分),使用果汁信息"进行规范化的时间范围非常有限(例如三个月)
  • 将果汁信息"写到任何日志文件中,然后偶尔(例如每天一次)汇总报告-这就是数据仓库的作用


The solution is now to calculate memory consumption for each acceptable solution for index AND data and then pick the option with the lowest consumption value. Btw there are different levels of implementation effort related to each option.


08-20 10:45