


我阅读了从带有ghostscript的后记文件中创建仅包含文本且没有图像的tiff ,并尝试使用KenS.的答案.但是此方法仅删除黑色"图像-图像仅包含黑色通道中的数据(PDF具有色域CMYK).如何删除我的情况下的所有图像?

I read Create a tiff with only text and no images from a postscript file with ghostscript and try to use KenS`s answer.But this method remove only "black" images - image contain data only in black channel (PDF has colorspace CMYK). How can i remove all images in my case?



This does a better job, but its incomplete. It doesn't deal with images using multiple data sources for example. Its essentially untested, except that I did test your smaller file (pages.pdf) by using ps2write to convert to PostScript and then the PostScript program below, and teh pdfwrite device, to convert back to PDF.


One of the first things you will notice is that almost all the text has vanished from your document. That's because the fonts you are using are bitmap fonts, and the program can't tell the difference between a bitmap representing a character, and any other kind of bitmap. For this file you can solve that by removing the definition of imagemask because all the characters use imagemask, and the other images use 'image'.


I have a sneaky suspicion the formatting of the program is going to get messed up here :-(


% numbytes -file- ConsumeFileData -
/ConsumeFileData {
  userdict begin
  /DataString 256 string def
  /DataFile exch def
  /BytesToRead exch def

%(BytesToRead = ) print BytesToRead ==
    DataFile DataString readstring {                    % read bytes
      /BytesToRead BytesToRead 256 sub def              % not EOF subtract 256 from required amount.
%(Read 256 bytes) ==
%(BytesToRead now = ) print BytesToRead ==
    } {
%(Read ) print dup 256 string cvs print (bytes) ==
      BytesToRead exch sub /BytesToRead exch def % Reached EOF, subtract length read froom required amount
%(BytesToRead now = ) print BytesToRead ==
      exit                                              % and exit loop
    } ifelse
  } loop

%BytesToRead ==
  BytesToRead 0 gt {
    (Ran out of image data reading from DataSource\n) ==
  } if
} bind def

% numbytes -proc- ConsumeProcData -
/ConsumeProcData {
userdict begin
  /DataProc exch def
  /BytesToRead exch def

    DataProc exec                                     % returns a string
    length BytesToRead exch sub                       % subtract # bytes read
    /BytesToRead exch def
    BytesToRead 0 le {
      exit                                            % exit when read enough
    } if
  } loop
} bind def

/image {
 (image) ==
 dup type /dicttype eq {
  dup /MultipleDataSources known {
    dup /MultipleDataSources get {
      (Can't handle image with multiple sources!) ==
    } if
  } if
  dup /Width get                 % stack = -dict- width
  exch dup /BitsPerComponent get % stack = width -dict- bpc
  exch dup /Decode get           % stack = width bpc -dict- decode
  length 2 div                   % decode = 2 * num components
  exch 4 1 roll                  % stack = -dict- width bpc ncomps
  mul mul                        % stack = -dict- width*bpc*ncomps
  7 add cvi 8 idiv               % stack = -dict- width(bytes)
  exch dup /Height get           % stack = width -dict- height
  exch /DataSource get           % stack = width height DataSource
  3 1 roll                       % stack = DataSource width height
  mul                            % stack = DataSource widht*height
  exch                           % stack = size DataSource
 } {
  5 -1 roll
  pop                       % throw away matrix
  mul mul                   % bits/sample*width*height
  7 add cvi 8 idiv          % size in bytes of data floor(bits+7 / 8)
  exch                      % stack = size DataSource
 } ifelse

 dup type /filetype eq {
 } {
   dup type /arraytype eq or
   1 index type /packedarraytype eq or {
   } {
    pop pop                  % Remove DataSource and size
   } ifelse
 } ifelse
} bind def

/imagemask {
 dup type /dicttype eq {
  dup /MultipleDataSources known {
    dup /MultipleDataSources get {
      (Can't handle imagemask with multiple sources!) ==
    } if
  } if
  dup /Width get                 % stack = -dict- width
  7 add cvi 8 idiv             % size in bytes of width floor(bits+7 / 8)
  exch dup /Height get           % stack = width -dict- height
  exch /DataSource get           % stack = width height DataSource
  3 1 roll                       % stack = DataSource width height
  mul                            % stack = DataSource width*height
  exch                           % stack = size DataSource
 } {
  5 -1 roll
  pop                       % throw away matrix
  mul mul                   % bits/sample*width*height
  7 add cvi 8 idiv          % size in bytes of data floor(bits+7 / 8)
  exch                      % stack = size DataSource
 } ifelse

 dup type /filetype eq {
 } {
   dup type /arraytype eq or
   1 index type /packedarraytype eq or {
   } {
    pop pop                  % Remove DataSource and size
   } ifelse
 } ifelse
} bind def

/colorimage {
  dup 1 ne {
    1 index
      (Can't handle colorimage with multiple sources!) ==
    } if
  } {
    exch pop                   % get rid of 'multi'
                   % stack: w h bpc m d ncomp
    3 -1 roll pop              % stack: w h bpc d ncomp
    exch 5 -1 roll             % stack d w h bpc ncomp
    mul mul mul                % stack: d w*h*bpc*ncomp
    7 add cvi 8 idiv exch      % stack: bytes datasource
  } ifelse

 dup type /filetype eq {
 } {
   dup type /arraytype eq or
   1 index type /packedarraytype eq or {
   } {
    pop pop                  % Remove DataSource and size
   } ifelse
 } ifelse
} bind def


08-23 02:37