


I need sorted map like TreeMap but sorted by value. My map will be huge, so i can't just sort my map anytime i need. Exist any good solution to resolve this problem? Maybe exist external jar who meets this?


有很多方法可以满足您的要求.正如您随后澄清的那样,您当前的 TreeMap 中可能有重复的对象,也许您可​​以用第三方多重地图(番石榴 Apache Commons Collections ),然后交换您的密钥和值-即用 Multimap< Value替换 TreeMap< Key,Value> 键> .根据您的具体情况,我相信这是为您工作的好机会.

There are a number of ways to satisfy your requirement. As you have subsequently clarified that you may have duplicate objects in your current TreeMap, perhaps you could replace your TreeMap with a third-party multimap (Guava, Apache Commons Collections), then swap your keys and values around - i.e. replace TreeMap<Key, Value> with Multimap<Value, Key>. Depending on the details of your situation I believe this stands a good chance of working for you.


09-17 01:30