本文介绍了Spring @PostConstruct取决于@Profile的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'd like to have multiple @PostConstruct annotated methods in one configuration class, that should be called dependent on the @Profile. You can imagine a code snipped like this:

public class SilentaConfiguration {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SilentaConfiguration.class);

    private Environment env;

    @PostConstruct @Profile("test")
    public void logImportantInfomationForTest() {
        LOG.info("********** logImportantInfomationForTest");

    @PostConstruct @Profile("development")
    public void logImportantInfomationForDevelopment() {
        LOG.info("********** logImportantInfomationForDevelopment");

但是,根据@PostConstruct的javadoc,我只能使用一种使用此注释进行注释的方法. Spring的Jira中对此有一个开放的改进, https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR -12433 .

However according to the javadoc of @PostConstruct I can only have one method annotated with this annotation. There is an open improvement for that in Spring's Jira https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12433.


How do you solved this requirement? I can always split this configuration class into multiple classes, but maybe you have a better idea/solution.


BTW. The code above runs without problems, however both methods are called regardless of the profile settings.


我用每个@PostConstruct方法的一个类解决了它. (这是Kotlin,但几乎翻译成了Java 1:1.)

I solved it with one class per @PostConstruct method. (This is Kotlin but it translates to Java almost 1:1.)

open class Backend {

    open class IntegrationTestPostConstruct {

        fun postConstruct() {
            // do stuff in integration tests


    open class TestPostConstruct {

        fun postConstruct() {
            // do stuff in normal tests



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07-02 17:04