本文介绍了Clojure - 命名参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Clojure 有命名参数吗?如果是这样,你能提供一个小例子吗?

Does Clojure have named arguments? If so, can you please provide a small example of it?


在 Clojure 1.2 中,您可以像解构地图一样解构 rest 参数.这意味着您可以使用命名的非位置关键字参数.下面是一个例子:

In Clojure 1.2, you can destructure the rest argument just like you would destructure a map. This means you can do named non-positional keyword arguments. Here is an example:

user> (defn blah [& {:keys [key1 key2 key3]}] (str key1 key2 key3))
user> (blah :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there" :key3 10)
"Hai there10"
user> (blah :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there")
"Hai there"
user> (defn blah [& {:keys [key1 key2 key3] :as everything}] everything)
user> (blah :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there")
{:key2 " there", :key1 "Hai"}

在解构 Clojure 映射时可以做的任何事情都可以在函数的参数列表中完成,如上所示.包括使用 :or 为参数定义默认值,如下所示:

Anything you can do while destructuring a Clojure map can be done in a function's argument list as shown above. Including using :or to define defaults for the arguments like this:

user> (defn blah [& {:keys [key1 key2 key3] :or {key3 10}}] (str key1 key2 key3))
user> (blah :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there")
"Hai there10"

但这在 Clojure 1.2 中.或者,在旧版本中,您可以这样做来模拟相同的事情:

But this is in Clojure 1.2. Alternatively, in older versions, you can do this to simulate the same thing:

user> (defn blah [& rest] (let [{:keys [key1 key2 key3] :or {key3 10}} (apply hash-map rest)] (str key1 key2 key3)))
user> (blah :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there")
"Hai there10"


and that works generally the same way.


And you can also have positional arguments that come before the keyword arguments:

user> (defn blah [x y & {:keys [key1 key2 key3] :or {key3 10}}] (str x y key1 key2 key3))
user> (blah "x" "Y" :key1 "Hai" :key2 " there")
"xYHai there10"


These are not optional and have to be provided.

实际上,您可以像处理任何 Clojure 集合一样对 rest 参数进行解构.

You can actually destructure the rest argument like you would any Clojure collection.

user> (defn blah [& [one two & more]] (str one two "and the rest: " more))
user> (blah 1 2 "ressssssst")
"12and the rest: ("ressssssst")"

您甚至可以在 Clojure 1.1 中执行此类操作.不过,关键字参数的映射式解构仅在 1.2 中出现.

You can do this sort of thing even in Clojure 1.1. The map-style destructuring for keyword arguments only came in 1.2 though.

这篇关于Clojure - 命名参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 19:34