






使用笔式驱动器可以工作,但不是您使用笔式驱动器的方式。 b

您需要将笔驱动器视为遥控器。所以基本上你在笔驱动器上建立一个裸仓库,并从它推拉。 Git会管理所有的东西。


$ cd / path / to / pen / drive
$ mkdir repo; cd回购; git init --bare


  $ git remote add pendrive / path / to / pen / drive / repo 

然后,您可以按照您使用其他遥控器的方式,从 pendrive 开始推/拉。


Maybe the title didn't exactly convey my problem, but a little explanation will be enough. I have this situation where I'm developing a website with another friend, and we're using Git to manage the versioning of the code, etc.

Problem is, at home (for both of us) is all good, we sync, then we submit changes and commit. But at work (and we work at the same company) our firewall blocks Git and sometimes we are able to get something done here, but without being able to retrieve or push updates to Git, how do we keep everything synched withtout Git going crazy?

After a few attempts at this, by simply copying everything to a pendrive and then try to sync it all at home, and screwing everything, finally managed something that "kinda works", which is by using xcopy with "newer files" only option. But even that sometimes messes things up.

Anyone ever come up a similar situation? Any ideas for me? Thanks.


Using a pen-drive could work, but not the way you use it.

What you need is to treat the pen-drive as a remote. So basically you make a bare repository on the pen-drive and push-pull from it. Git will then manage everything.

In short, something like this:

# make repository in pen-drive:
$ cd /path/to/pen/drive
$ mkdir repo; cd repo; git init --bare

And in your repositories (both at home and work):

$ git remote add pendrive /path/to/pen/drive/repo

You can then start pushing to/pulling from pendrive the same way you would do any other remote.

Still, more appropriate would be to ask your company to not block ssh to GitHub (Unless you shouldn't be doing these stuff at work, in which case, well don't do them at work).


09-05 16:55