我已经google了几次,但我没有得到一个正确的答案。我有一个矩阵,我想与一个离散滤波器(例如Sobel算子用于边缘检测)卷积。是否可以用加速的方式在iPhone上使用OpenGL ES?
I've googled around a few times, but I have not gotten a straight answer. I have a matrix that I would like to convolve with a discrete filter (e.g. the Sobel operator for edge detection). Is it possible to do this in an accelerated way with OpenGL ES on the iPhone?
If it is, how how? If it is not, are there other high-performance tricks I can use to speed up the operation? Wizardly ARM assembly operations that can do it fast? Ultimately I want to perform as fast of a convolution as possible on an iPhone's ARM processor.
您应该能够在OpenGL ES 2.0下使用可编程着色器。我在。
You should be able to do this using programmable shaders under OpenGL ES 2.0. I describe OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders in more detail in the video for my class on iTunes U.
Since I wrote this, I've created an open source framework based on the above example which has built-in image convolution filters, ranging from Sobel edge detection to custom 3x3 convolution kernels. These can run up to 100X faster than CPU-bound implementations.
但是,如果你在CPU上这样做,你可以使用,以在iPhone的NEON SIMD设备上运行一些操作。特别是,FFT操作(通常是图像卷积滤波器中的关键组件,或者我听说过的)可以通过使用Apple在这里提供的例程获得〜4-5X的加速。
However, if you were to do this on the CPU, you might be able to use the Accelerate framework to run some of the operations on the iPhone's NEON SIMD unit. In particular, FFT operations (which are usually a key component in image convolution filters, or so I've heard) can get a ~4-5X speedup by using the routines Apple provides here.
这篇关于在iPhone上使用OpenGL ES对图像进行卷积可能?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!