我想让我们的团队和项目为VS 2019做好准备.立即,尝试为新项目设置代码分析,我发现:
I'm toying with getting our team and projects ready for VS 2019. Right away, trying to set up Code Analysis for a new project, I find this:
So, if this is deprecated (and apparently can't even be used, so I'm thinking "deprecated" really means "gone"), where are we supposed to set up our Rule Sets? Is there some other location, or perhaps an altogether new solution to the problem of style and code quality?
展望未来,罗斯林分析仪将提供静态分析: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
Going forward, static analysis will be provided by Roslyn analyzers: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
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