本文介绍了在Core Data中设置父子关系的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在Core Data中建立关系。我有一个树列表,每个树将有一个水果列表。所以我有一个实体和水果实体。

I'm trying to set up a relationship in Core Data. I have a list of Trees, and each Tree will have a list of Fruits. So I have a Tree entity and a Fruit entity.


In code, I will want to list the Trees, in a table view for example. When you click on a Tree, it should then display a list of fruits that growing on that Tree.

如何设置这种关系?我需要给 Fruit 一个称为tree的属性吗?如何在代码中设置关系,例如当我创建一个水果如何将它与给定的

How do I set up this relationship? Do I need to give the Fruit an attribute called tree? And how do I set the relationship in code, for example when I create a Fruit how do I associate it with a given Tree?




This is quite simple. First of of all, your model should look like the following (for the sake of simplicity I skipped attributes).

在这种情况下,可以有零个或多个水果(参见 fruits 关系)。相反, Fruit 具有关系(反向关系)。

In this case a Tree can have zero or more Fruits (see fruits relationship). On the contrary, a Fruit has a tree relationship (an inverse relationship).

特别地, fruits 关系应如下所示:

In particular, the fruits relationship should look like the following


Here, you can see that a to-many relationship has been set. The Delete rule means that if you remove a tree, also its fruits will be deleted.

这是一个一对一的关系,因为水果只有连接到一棵树才能存在。未设置可选标志。所以,当你创建一个水果,你还需要指定其父(在这种情况下一棵树)。 Nullify 规则意味着当您删除水果时,Core Data不会删除与该水果相关联的树。

This is a one-to-one relationship since a fruit can exist only if attached to a tree. Optional flag is not set. So, when you create a fruit you also need to specify its parent (a tree in this case). Nullify rule means that when you delete a fruit, Core Data will not delete the tree associated with that fruit. It will delete only the fruit you specified.


When you create a Fruit entity you should follow a similar path

NSManagedObject *specificFruit = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Fruit" inManagedObjectContext:context];
[specificFruit setValue:parentTree forKey:@"tree"];

或者如果您有create NSManagedObject

or if you have create NSManagedObject subclasses:

Fruit *specificFruit = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Fruit" inManagedObjectContext:context];
specificFruit.tree = parentTree;



P.S. Check the code since I've written without Xcode support.

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08-03 22:20