本文介绍了PostgreSQL Beta4 Tag'd和Bundle'd ......的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 好​​的伙计们,我们现在正在进入另一个长期开发周期的家庭,以及它进行更有力和广泛测试的时间 .... 昨晚,我们将Beta4捆绑在一起,这是我们第一次正式公布的公开消息。 ;,其他3个只是在-hackers上宣布了b $ b ... 这个版本,根据收到的错误报告,很可能会流 到下周末我们的第一个候选版本,所以我们鼓励 每个(和任何)可以下载和测试她的,以便我们的第一个/> 发布候选人可以尽可能干净... 昨晚我们捆绑了大部分镜子应该已经有了一份副本 $ b在/pub/source/v7.4下可以获得$ b ... 我们还开始捆绑bzip2以及.gz文件,用于那些 希望下载那些..用适当的md5文件... ---------------------------(...结束广播)--------------------------- 提示3:如果通过Usenet发布/阅读,请发送适当的 subscribe-nomail命令 ma ******* @ postgresql.org 这样你的 消息就可以干净地进入邮件列表Well folks, we are now coming into the home stretch of another longdevelopment cycle, and its time for more vigorous and extensive testing....Last night, we bundled up Beta4, which is the first one that we''veofficially announced "publicly", with the other 3 having been onlyannounced on -hackers ...This release, depending on the bug reports received, will most likely flowinto our first Release Candidate by end of next week, so we encourageevery(and any)one that can to download and test her, so that our firstRelease Candidate can be as clean as possible ...As we did the bundling last night, most mirrors should already have a copyof it available under /pub/source/v7.4 ...We''ve also started to bundle up bzip2, along with the .gz files, for thosethat wish to download those ... with appropriate md5 files ...---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriatesubscribe-nomail command to ma*******@postgresql.org so that yourmessage can get through to the mailing list cleanly推荐答案 否。本机Windows支持不会发生在7.4中。这方面的工作是 然而继续。 ----------------------- ----(广播结束)--------------------------- 提示4:唐'' t''杀死-9''邮政局长No. Native Windows support isn''t going to happen in 7.4. Work on that iscontinuing however.---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 4: Don''t ''kill -9'' the postmaster --------------------------- (播出结束)--------------------------- 提示4:不要'杀'-9'' postmaster ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don''t ''kill -9'' the postmaster ---------------------------(广播结束) --------------------------- 提示5:您是否检查了我们广泛的常见问题解答? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs /FAQ.html---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs/FAQ.html 这篇关于PostgreSQL Beta4 Tag'd和Bundle'd ......的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-23 05:48