


I am storing all the config details to a test.cfg file in my BlackBerry device. So every time when i start the application, the app will check if test.cfg exists. If it exists, then it loads all the configuration from that file and if not, the app will show the config page, then the user can enter all the config details and proceed further.


The above is working fine except one scenario. When the device is plugged in to the system and I open the Desktop Manager and the user opens the application, its directly shows the configuration page even if test.cfg already exists in the device.


Does anybody know the solution for this? or any idea why its behaving like this?



My guess would be that when you connect your device to the computer via USB cable, your computer is mounting the SDCard as an external drive. When it does this, the device will essentially lose access to its SDCard. It needs to do this, because the device software and the desktop computer's software don't want to simultaneously be modifying the same files.

您节省 test.cfg 的SD卡?

如果是这样,你可能需要将文件保存到设备的内部存储,而不是,例如,在PersistentStore 。

If so, you might want to save the file to the device's internal storage instead, for example, in the PersistentStore.

您可以关闭大容量存储功能,使您的SD卡可用于PC,如果你preFER有媒体卡始终可用的应用程序。 (如果你想这样做,告诉我它的OS版本你用......但是,明白这只能用于,如果你想你的用户是不是一个很好的解决方案避免这个问题)。

You could turn off the mass storage feature that makes your SDCard available to the PC, if you prefer to have the media card always available to the app. (if you want to do this, tell me which OS version you're using ... but, understand that this only works for you, and isn't a good solution if you want your users to avoid this problem).




08-24 16:08