

SL4A拥有所有的脚本在/ SD卡/ SL4A /脚本

sl4a has all of its scripts under /sdcard/sl4a/scripts


Is it possible to run a script that lives elsewhere:

例如。从/ SD卡/ Dropbox的/ pyscripts

e.g. from /sdcard/dropbox/pyscripts[wink wink]



I think the answer is no at this moment in time.

该应用程序没有一个选项来设置该路径。唯一的其他想法我是创建从Dropbox的文件夹中的脚本目录的符号链接。但是,这有一些重大问题也一样,大多数SD卡为FAT32的,它只是不支持符号链接的格式最大beeing。如果你有一个不同的文件系统,你可以尝试,虽然这条道路。如果不知道需要根 - 我想象写在SD卡不应该要求。

The app does not have a option to set that path. The only other idea I had was to create a symbolic link from the dropbox folder to the scripts dir. But this has a few major problems too, the biggest beeing that most SD-cards are formatted with FAT32, which simply does not support symbolic links. If you have a different filesystem, you can try that path though. Not sure if root is required - I'd imagine that writing on the sdcard should not require that.Also not sure if the app handles a link correctly, but in theory the whole link should be invisible to it and be handled as a normal folder.


08-24 05:59