根据 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/us-en/library/ms235286.aspx 和 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/us-en/library/ew5tede7.aspx调用者必须始终为 4 个寄存器参数分配足够的空间,即使被调用者没有那么多参数.始终为寄存器参数分配空间,即使参数本身从未驻留在堆栈中.
According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/us-en/library/ms235286.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/us-en/library/ew5tede7.aspxThe caller must always allocate sufficient space for the 4 register parameters, even if the callee doesn’t have that many parameters. Space is always allocated for the register parameters, even if the parameters themselves are never homed to the stack.
What's the usage of this shadow space for the 4 register parameters?
我反汇编了一些VS和G++编译的程序,发现被调用者一开始就将寄存器参数保存在shadow space中.例如,WinMain(HINSTANCE *hInstance, HINSTANCE *hPrevInstance, char *lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) 函数在其开头执行以下推送:
I disassemblied some programs compiled by VS and G++, and found that the callee saves the register parameters in the shadow space at the beginning. For example, WinMain(HINSTANCE *hInstance, HINSTANCE *hPrevInstance, char *lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) function does the following pushing at its beginning:
mov [rsp+arg_18], r9d
mov [rsp+arg_10], r8
mov [rsp+arg_8], rdx
mov [rsp+arg_0], rcx
Why the callee saves the register parameters in the shadow space? If the callee has to save the register parameters in the stack, why they use registers to pass the parameters instead of passing all the parameters by stack directly?
The callee may or may not need to save them, that depends entirely on the situation. For example, a function that just returns the sum of the arguments might not need to save them. In this case using registers saves a store and a load, while it does not incur any overhead in the other case (the store is just moved from the caller to the callee).
Allocating the shadow space is practically free if you do it together with your local variables in the caller, and has the advantage that if the callee needs to save the arguments, the resulting block will be contiguous with the rest of the arguments already on the stack.