


I have a Priority Queue in which I add a Node object to, where the Nodes should be sorted by a value that they contain. For some reason, the priority queue will not sort the Nodes on add. If anyone can see something wrong with this or has any guidance, I appreciate it. Here is a brief example:

PriorityQueue<Node> PQ = new PriorityQueue<Node>();
        //for each entry create a node and add it to the PriorityQueue
        for(Entry<Character,Integer> entry : entries){
            PQ.add(new Node(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue(), true));

这里是节点的 compareTo 方法:

public int compareTo(Node n) {
  if(n.frequency.intValue() > this.frequency.intValue()) return  -1;
  else if(n.frequency.intValue() == this.frequency.intValue()) return 0;
  else return 1;


我猜您期望 PriorityQueue 在迭代时以特定顺序返回元素。但是, PriorityQueue 不提供这样的行为,因为它是作为优先级堆而不是排序列表实现的。来自:

I guess you expect PriorityQueue to return elements in particular order when you iterate it. However, PriorityQueue doesn't provide such a behaviour, because it's implemented as a priority heap rather than sorted list. From javadoc:

PriorityQueue 提供的唯一保证是 poll() peek()等返回最少的元素。如果您需要对元素进行有序迭代,请使用其他集合,例如 TreeSet

The only guarantee provided by PriorityQueue is that poll(), peek(), etc return the least element. If you need ordered iteration of elements, use some other collection such as TreeSet.


10-14 23:38