

有没有一种简便的方法(不使用spring)让RESTeasy返回带有模型的jsp或html页面?我想做一些类似于Spring ModelAndView的事情,在这里我要说/contacts/loomer并让它在jsp模板中返回一个模拟对象.我看到的所有示例都是针对JSON/XML的.我知道在泽西岛,您可以使用可见的内容,但我只需要使用RESTeasy内容.

Is there an easy, not using spring, way to have RESTeasy return a jsp or html page with a model? I want to do something similar to the spring ModelAndView where I have a request to say /contacts/loomer and have it return a mocked up object in a jsp template. All of the examples I see are for JSON/XML. I know in Jersey you can use the viewable, but I need to use only RESTeasy stuff.


我想要这样的东西(但没有spring modelandview):

I want something like this (but without the spring modelandview):

   public ModelAndView saveContactForm(@Form Contact contact)
         throws URISyntaxException
      return viewAll();



Okay, I figured it out for anyone who is interested. It was actually fairly trivial once I found an example.

public void getEvent(@Context HttpServletResponse response,
        @Context HttpServletRequest request,
        @PathParam("eventid") Long eventid) throws ServletException,
        IOException {

    EventDao eventdao = DaoFactory.getEventDao();
    Event event = eventdao.find(eventid);

    request.setAttribute("event", event);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("eventView.jsp").forward(request, response);



09-17 00:07