Can someone give an example of a good time to actually use "unsafe" and "fixed" in C# code? I've played with it before, but never actually found a good use for it.
考虑这个code ...
Consider this code...
fixed (byte* pSrc = src, pDst = dst) {
//Code that copies the bytes in a loop
compared to simply using...
Array.Copy(source, target, source.Length);
二是在.NET Framework中的code,第一的code从微软网站复制的一部分,http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/28k1s2k6(VS.80).aspx.
The built in Array.Copy() is dramatically faster than using Unsafe code. This might just because the second is just better written and the first is just an example, but what kinds of situations would you really even need to use Unsafe/Fixed code for anything? Or is this poor web developer messing with something above his head?
It's useful for interop with unmanaged code. Any pointers passed to unmanaged functions need to be fixed (aka. pinned) to prevent the garbage collector from relocating the underlying memory.
如果您在使用P / Invoke,那么默认的编组将针对象为您服务。有时需要进行自定义编组,有时有必要针的对象不是单P的持续时间较长/ Invoke调用。
If you are using P/Invoke, then the default marshaller will pin objects for you. Sometimes it's necessary to perform custom marshalling, and sometimes it's necessary to pin an object for longer than the duration of a single P/Invoke call.