




我认为问题是,在查询时,如果我没有发现指针的图片,我说追加到 PFFile 数组这个标准的UIImage 所以当我向下滚动,算上imagesArray和messagesArray不马赫。


有的告诉我,使该图像是一个单独的查询中 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()){}



  VAR picturesArray:[PFFile] = []

的cellForRowAtIndexPath 我有:

  self.picturesArray [indexPath.row] .getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {(?为imageData:NSData的?错误:NSError) -  GT;在无效            如果错误== {为零
                让图像= UIImage的(数据:为imageData!)
                cell.senderProfileImage?=图像配图片            }其他{                打印(B计划)
                ?cell.senderProfileImage =图像配的UIImage(命名为:标识)            }        }

在我的查询中,我可以通过查询的指针是发件人一栏 _Users retrive我的发件人的姓名。我有:

 如果让theName = singleObject.objectForKey(发件人)?objectForKey(FIRST_NAME)作为?字符串{
                        如果让messageSender,和= singleObject [senderNickname]作为?字符串{
                    }                    如果让profilePicture = singleObject.objectForKey(发件人)?objectForKey(profile_picture)作为? PFFile {                    self.picturesArray.append(profilePicture)                    }其他{



                    如果让theName = singleObject.objectForKey(发件人)?objectForKey(FIRST_NAME)作为?字符串{
                        如果让messageSender,和= singleObject [senderNickname]作为?字符串{
                    }                    //很新:此修复致命错误:数组索引超出范围
                    如果让profilePicture = singleObject.objectForKey(发件人)?objectForKey(profile_picture)作为? PFFile {                    self.picturesArray.append(profilePicture)                    }其他{
// self.picturesArray.append(的UIImage(命名为:标识))
                        让我们为imageData:NSData的= UIImagePNGRe presentation(的UIImage(命名为:标识)!)!

        如果indexPath.row< picturesArray.count {
            self.picturesArray [indexPath.row] .getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {(为imageData:NSData的?错误:NSError?) - GT;在无效                如果错误== {为零
                    让图像= UIImage的(数据:为imageData!)
                }            }
?// cell.senderProfileImage =图像配的UIImage(命名为:标识)



只是检查是否indexPath.row<使用前picturesArray.count picturesArray [X]

 如果indexPath.row< picturesArray.count {
    self.picturesArray [indexPath.row] .getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {(为imageData:NSData的?错误:NSError?) - GT;在无效        如果错误== {为零
            让图像= UIImage的(数据:为imageData!)
        }    }
    ?cell.senderProfileImage =图像配的UIImage(命名为:标识)



 让我们为imageData:NSData的= UIImagePNGRe presentation(的UIImage(命名为:imagename)!)!




下面 self.picturesArray.append(的UIImage(命名为:标识))你想添加一个的UIImage 对象和数组,只接受 PFFile 的对象,当你宣称这里: VAR picturesArray:[PFFile] = []

您需要实例化一个新的 PFFile 并添加的UIImage 来它,但 PFFile 初始化器只接受的NSData 储存。

所以要transforma一个的UIImage 的NSData 您可以使用 UIImagePNGRe presentation ,然后实例化 PFFile 与图像数据。

retrieving images from Parse and showing them on a tableView, if I scroll the tableView down, app crashes and gives me "fatal error: Array index out of range"

numbers of rows is given by the number of messages in "messagesArray"

I think the problem is that in the query, if I don't find images in pointers, I say "append to the PFFile array this standard UIImage of mine called "logo" " so when I scroll down, count of imagesArray and messagesArray doesn't mach.

how can I add UIImages to my PFFile array so that if query for a PFFIle images fails, it can be replaced by appending a UIImage?

some told me to make a separate query for the image it in dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {}

but the main query is called itself that way.

I have this array:

var picturesArray : [PFFile] = []

in cellForRowAtIndexPath I have:

self.picturesArray[indexPath.row].getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (imageData: NSData?, error:NSError?) -> Void in

            if error == nil {
                let image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
                cell.senderProfileImage?.image = image

            } else {

                print("plan B")
                cell.senderProfileImage?.image = UIImage(named: "logo")



in my query, I can retrive the names of my senders by querying a "sender" column with pointers to _Users. I have:

if let theName = singleObject.objectForKey("sender")?.objectForKey("first_name") as? String {
                        // this retrieves names from pointer "sender" in "Messages"
                        self.sendersArray.append(theName) //populate the array with names
                    } else {
                        if let messageSender = singleObject["senderNickname"] as? String {

                    if let profilePicture = singleObject.objectForKey("sender")?.objectForKey("profile_picture") as? PFFile {


                    } else {
                        //I think this is the problem:
                        print("no image found in pointer to users")
                        self.picturesArray.append(UIImage(named: "logo"))


for now, is also required fix this bug (hoping Apple and Parse will take care of them sooner or later)

//very new, it's ok
                    if let theName = singleObject.objectForKey("sender")?.objectForKey("first_name") as? String {
                        // this retrieves names from pointer "sender" in "Messages"
                        self.sendersArray.append(theName) //populate the array with names
                    } else {
                        if let messageSender = singleObject["senderNickname"] as? String {

                    //very new : this fix fatal error: Array index out of range
                    if let profilePicture = singleObject.objectForKey("sender")?.objectForKey("profile_picture") as? PFFile {


                    } else {
                        //I think this is the problem:
                        print("no image found in pointer to users")
//                        self.picturesArray.append(UIImage(named: "logo"))
                        let imageData:NSData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "logo")!)!
                        self.picturesArray.append(PFFile(data: imageData))


 //this fixes the crash related to different number of rows and images
        if indexPath.row < picturesArray.count {
            self.picturesArray[indexPath.row].getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (imageData: NSData?, error:NSError?) -> Void in

                if error == nil {
                    let image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
                    cell.senderProfileImage?.image = image

        } else {
//            cell.senderProfileImage?.image = UIImage(named: "logo")
            print("no foto!")

Your app is crashing because you have more table view cells than pictures in picturesArray

Just check if indexPath.row < picturesArray.count before using picturesArray[x]

if indexPath.row < picturesArray.count {
    self.picturesArray[indexPath.row].getDataInBackgroundWithBlock { (imageData: NSData?, error:NSError?) -> Void in

        if error == nil {
            let image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
            cell.senderProfileImage?.image = image

} else {
    cell.senderProfileImage?.image = UIImage(named: "logo")


If you want to append a PFFile with the logo image into picturesArray you can do the following

let imageData:NSData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "imagename")!)!
self.picturesArray.append(PFFile(data: imageData))

instead of

self.picturesArray.append(UIImage(named: "logo"))


Here self.picturesArray.append(UIImage(named: "logo")) you were trying to add an UIImage object to and array that only accepts PFFile objects, as you declared here: var picturesArray : [PFFile] = []

You need to instantiate a new PFFile and add an UIImage to it, but the PFFile initialiser only accepts NSData to store.

So to transforma an UIImage into NSData you can use UIImagePNGRepresentation and then instantiate the PFFile with the image data.


09-09 17:50