我正在尝试在远程虚拟机上启动 zookeeper.我经常在我的项目中使用它,并且在启动 zookeeper 时没有任何问题.但是最近当我尝试启动服务器时出现错误.当我启动 ./zkServer.sh 时,它显示 zookeeper 服务器已启动.当我使用 ./zkServer.sh status 检查状态时,它显示联系服务时出错.它可能没有运行."我完全使用 5 个虚拟机.所有这些机器最初都很好.我开始遇到机器 1 的问题.但最近我的所有虚拟机都遇到了同样的问题.有人可以告诉我问题是什么并建议我解决这个问题的方法吗?
I am trying to start zookeeper on a remote virtual machine. I use this for my project regularly and I do not have any problems while starting the zookeeper. But lately when I am trying to start the server I am getting an error.When I give ./zkServer.sh start it shows zookeeper server started.When I check for status using ./zkServer.sh status it shows "Error contacting service. It is probably not running."I am totally working with 5 Virtual Machines. All these machines were fine initially. I started getting problems with machine 1. But recently I have the same problem with all my virtual machines. Can someone tell me what the issue is and suggest me a way to clear this issue?
很可能 Zookeeper 服务器已退出.如果我们在 Linux 机器上运行它,请使用 linux 命令.其中一些:
Most probably Zookeeper server exited.If we are running it on a Linux box, use the linux commands. Some of them:
ps -ef | grep -i zookeeper
Also, try running it in foreground
zkServer.sh start-foreground