本文介绍了在dxChart中自定义工具提示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我正在使用DevExtreme的dxchart做我的第一步。目前,我有以下代码: HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> < html> < head> < meta charset = utf-8 /> < title> DevExtreme图表< / title> <!-FRAMEWOKR-> < script type = text / javascript src = http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.3/jquery.min.js>< / script> < script src = ./ lib / globalize.min.js>< / script> < script src = ./ lib / dx.charts.js>< / script> <!-JS-> < script type = text / javascript src = chart.js>< / script> < / head> < body> < div id = chartContainer style = width:100%; height:440px>< / div> < / body> < / html> JS: $(document).ready(function(){ var dataSource = [ {参数:'15 .06.2016',脉冲:102,温度:37.6,重量:91 }, {参数:'16 .06.2016', pulse: 99,温度:35.1,重量:88 }, {参数:'17 .06.2016', puls:87,温度:38.0,重量:87 }, {参数:'18 .06.2016',脉冲数:91,温度: 36.3,重量:87 }, {参数:'19 .06.2016', puls:112,温度:37.1,重量:90 } ]; $(#chartContainer)。d xChart({ dataSource:dataSource, commonSeriesSettings:{ type: spline,标签:{可见:false,连接器:{ 可见:false } },参数字段:参数,轴: pulsAxe },工具提示:{已启用:true, customTooltip:function(obj){ return {文本:obj.seriesName } } }, 图例:{ verticalAlignment:顶部, horizo​​ntalAlignment:右侧 },导出:{已启用:true },标题:{文字: Hugo Amacher | 1977年8月15日(M),副标题:{ enabled:true, text: Ich bin ein Untertitel ... } }, zoomingMode:全部,系列:[ {名称: Puls, valueField: pulse }, {名称: Temperatur, valueField: temperatur,轴: temperaturAxe }, {名称: Gewicht , valueField: weight,轴: weightAxe } ], valueAxis:[ { name: pulsAxe,标题: Puls,位置: left,标签:{ customText:function(value){ return value.value + bpm } } }, {名称: temperaturAxe,标题: Temperatur,位置: left,标签:{ customText:函数(值){返回值。值+°C } } }, {名称: weightAxe,标题: Gewicht,位置: left,标签:{ customText:函数(值){ return value.value + kg } } } ] }); }); 我的结果是这样: 如您所见,有一个简单的样条图,其中包含三个不同的y轴和三个不同的值范围图表上的此轴。对于每个斧头,我都有一个标签(bpm,°C和kg)。我还实现了dxchart的工具提示。当我将鼠标悬停在某个点时,工具提示中仅包含该值。我还想将值后面的标签动态地添加到工具提示中。这意味着,当我将 Puls轴的值悬停时,它应显示为:91 bpm。我怎样才能做到这一点。我使用了customTooltip进行了尝试:您好,请检查Plunker https://plnkr.co/edit/6Uoh30bb8qBNWIIbyX0O?p=preview 检查您的图书馆包括 HTML <!DOCTYPE html> < html> < head> < meta charset = utf-8 /> < title>< / title> < link rel = stylesheet href = style.css /> < script type = text / javascript src = https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js>< / script> < script type = text / javascript src = https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/globalize/0.1.1/globalize.min.js>< / script> < script type = text / javascript src = https://cdn3.devexpress.com/jslib/15.2.5/js/dx.chartjs.js>< / script> < script src = script.js>< / script> < / head> < body> < div id = chartContainer style = width:100%; height:440px>< / div> < ;!-将您的html放在这里! -> < / body> < / html> 和 JS ///在此处添加您的JavaScript $ {function(){ var dataSource = [ {参数:'15 .06。 2016', puls:102,温度:37.6,重量:91 }, {参数:'16 .06.2016', puls:99,温度:35.1,重量:88 }, {参数:'17 .06.2016', puls :87,温度:38.0,重量:87 }, {参数:'18 .06.2016', puls:91,温度:36.3,重量:87 }, {参数:'19 .06.2016', puls:112,温度:37.1,重量:90 } ]; $( #chartContainer)。dxChart({ dataSource:dataSource, commonSeriesSettings:{ type: spline, label:{ visible:false,连接器:{可见:false } },参数字段:参数,轴: pulsAxe },工具提示:{已启用:是, customTooltip:函数(obj){ console.log(obj.seriesName) if(obj.seriesName == Puls ){ return { text:obj.value + bpm } } else if(obj.seriesName == Gewicht){ return { 文本:obj.value + kg } }否则if(obj.seriesName == Temperatur){返回{文本:obj。值+°C } } //返回{ //文本:obj.seriesName //} } },图例:{ verticalAlignment:顶部, horizo​​ntalAlignment:右侧 },导出:{已启用:true },标题:{文字: Hugo Amacher | 1977年8月15日(M),副标题:{ enabled:true, text: Ich bin ein Untertitel ... } }, zoomingMode:全部,系列:[ {名称: Puls, valueField: pulse }, {名称: Temperatur, valueField: temperatur,轴: temperaturAxe }, {名称: Gewicht , valueField: weight,轴: weightAxe } ], valueAxis:[ { name: pulsAxe,标题: Puls,位置: left,标签:{ customText:function(value){ return value.value + bpm } } }, {名称: temperaturAxe,标题: Temperatur,位置: left,标签:{ customText:函数(值){返回值。值+°C } } }, {名称: weightAxe,标题: Gewicht,位置: left,标签:{ customText:函数(值){ return value.value + kg } } } ] }); }); I'm doing my first steps with dxchart of DevExtreme. At the moment I've got follow code:HTML:<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>DevExtreme Chart</title> <!--FRAMEWOKR--> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="./lib/globalize.min.js"></script> <script src="./lib/dx.charts.js"></script> <!--JS--> <script type="text/javascript" src="chart.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="width:100%; height: 440px"></div> </body></html>JS:$(document).ready(function(){ var dataSource = [ { argument: '15.06.2016', puls: 102, temperatur: 37.6, weight: 91 }, { argument: '16.06.2016', puls: 99, temperatur: 35.1, weight: 88 }, { argument: '17.06.2016', puls: 87, temperatur: 38.0, weight: 87 }, { argument: '18.06.2016', puls: 91, temperatur: 36.3, weight: 87 }, { argument: '19.06.2016', puls: 112, temperatur: 37.1, weight: 90 } ]; $("#chartContainer").dxChart({ dataSource: dataSource, commonSeriesSettings: { type: "spline", label: { visible: false, connector: { visible: false } }, argumentField: "argument", axis: "pulsAxe" }, tooltip: { enabled: true, customizeTooltip: function(obj) { return { text: obj.seriesName } } }, legend: { verticalAlignment: "top", horizontalAlignment: "right" }, "export": { enabled: true }, title: { text: "Hugo Amacher | 15.08.1977 (M)", subtitle: { enabled: true, text: "Ich bin ein Untertitel..." } }, zoomingMode: "all", series: [ { name: "Puls", valueField: "puls" }, { name: "Temperatur", valueField: "temperatur", axis: "temperaturAxe" }, { name: "Gewicht", valueField: "weight", axis: "weightAxe" } ], valueAxis: [ { name: "pulsAxe", title: "Puls", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " bpm" } } }, { name: "temperaturAxe", title: "Temperatur", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " °C" } } }, { name: "weightAxe", title: "Gewicht", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " kg" } } } ] });});My result is this:As you can see, there is a simple spline chart, with three various y-axes and three various value-ranges for this axes on the chart. For each axe, I've got an label (bpm, °C and kg). I implemented also the tooltip of dxchart. At the moment when I hover a point, in the tooltip there is only the value. I also would like to add dynamicly to the tooltip the label after the value. That means, when I hover a value of the axe "Puls", it should show for example this: 91 bpm. How can I do this. I tried it with the customizeTooltip: http://js.devexpress.com/Documentation/ApiReference/Data_Visualization_Widgets/dxChart/Configuration/tooltip/?version=16_1#customizeTooltipI had the idea, to check the seriesName and assign the label in the return something like this, but it didn't work:tooltip: { enabled: true, customizeTooltip: function(point) { if (point.seriesName == "Puls") { return { text: point.value + " bpm" } } else if (point.seriesName == "Gewicht") { return { text: point.value + " kg" } } else if (point.seriesName == "Temperatur") { return { text: point.value + " °C" } } }}, 解决方案 Hi please check the Plunker https://plnkr.co/edit/6Uoh30bb8qBNWIIbyX0O?p=previewcheck your library includesHTML<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/globalize/0.1.1/globalize.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn3.devexpress.com/jslib/15.2.5/js/dx.chartjs.js"></script> <script src="script.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="width:100%; height: 440px"></div> <!-- Put your html here! --> </body></html>and JS // Add your javascript here$(function(){ var dataSource = [ { argument: '15.06.2016', puls: 102, temperatur: 37.6, weight: 91 }, { argument: '16.06.2016', puls: 99, temperatur: 35.1, weight: 88 }, { argument: '17.06.2016', puls: 87, temperatur: 38.0, weight: 87 }, { argument: '18.06.2016', puls: 91, temperatur: 36.3, weight: 87 }, { argument: '19.06.2016', puls: 112, temperatur: 37.1, weight: 90 } ]; $("#chartContainer").dxChart({ dataSource: dataSource, commonSeriesSettings: { type: "spline", label: { visible: false, connector: { visible: false } }, argumentField: "argument", axis: "pulsAxe" }, tooltip: { enabled: true, customizeTooltip: function(obj) { console.log(obj.seriesName) if (obj.seriesName == "Puls") { return { text: obj.value + " bpm" } } else if (obj.seriesName == "Gewicht") { return { text: obj.value + " kg" } } else if (obj.seriesName == "Temperatur") { return { text: obj.value + " °C" } } // return { // text: obj.seriesName // } } }, legend: { verticalAlignment: "top", horizontalAlignment: "right" }, "export": { enabled: true }, title: { text: "Hugo Amacher | 15.08.1977 (M)", subtitle: { enabled: true, text: "Ich bin ein Untertitel..." } }, zoomingMode: "all", series: [ { name: "Puls", valueField: "puls" }, { name: "Temperatur", valueField: "temperatur", axis: "temperaturAxe" }, { name: "Gewicht", valueField: "weight", axis: "weightAxe" } ], valueAxis: [ { name: "pulsAxe", title: "Puls", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " bpm" } } }, { name: "temperaturAxe", title: "Temperatur", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " °C" } } }, { name: "weightAxe", title: "Gewicht", position: "left", label: { customizeText: function(value) { return value.value + " kg" } } } ] });}); 这篇关于在dxChart中自定义工具提示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-17 23:58