元素和 id
有没有人遇到过Chrome,Safari,FF3和IE 7等浏览器出现这些问题?
$ b
c $ c>< script id> 错误的是Netscape 4,我们在很久很久以前就停止关注它。
属性,脚本<! -
隐藏,和 application / x-javascript
。其建议避免< body>
中的< script>
(并将其放入< head>
属性兼容性问题: defer
无处不在,所以不要依赖它; charset
在任何地方都无法正常工作,并且所提供脚本的Content-Type上的charset参数也没有,因此脚本charset与页面匹配得更好; type
应始终为 text / javascript
,而不是编写RFC 4329你使用。
I came across a scenario where giving a script
element an id
attribute would solve a problem easily. However, after reading about the script
element at w3schools and quirksmode, it seems doing so could have some unforeseen consequences.
Has anyone come across any of these issues with browsers such as Chrome, Safari, FF3 up and IE 7 up?
It's fine in all current browsers.
The only browser that got <script id>
wrong was Netscape 4, which we stopped caring about a long, long time ago.
That quirksmode page seems to be badly out of date, what with its use of language
attributes, script <!--
hiding, and application/x-javascript
. Its advice about avoiding <script>
in the <body>
(and putting it in <head>
instead) is at odds with today's encouraged practices.
If we're talking <script>
attribute compatibility problems: defer
doesn't work everywhere so don't rely on it; charset
doesn't work everywhere, and neither does the charset parameter on the served script's Content-Type, so your script charset had better match the page; type
should always be text/javascript
and not one of the non-working alternatives the pedants who wrote RFC 4329 would like you to use.