本文介绍了如何在scikit-learn LogisticRegression中设置intercept_scaling的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am using scikit-learn's LogisticRegression object for regularized binary classification. I've read the documentation on intercept_scaling but I don't understand how to choose this value intelligently.


  • 10-20个功能,300-500个重复
  • 高度非高斯,实际上大多数观测值为零
  • 输出类不一定相等.在某些情况下,它们接近50/50,在其他情况下,它们更像是90/10.
  • C=0.001通常会提供良好的交叉验证结果.
  • 10-20 features, 300-500 replicates
  • Highly non-Gaussian, in fact most observations are zeros
  • The output classes are not necessarily equally likely. In some cases they are almost 50/50, in other cases they are more like 90/10.
  • Typically C=0.001 gives good cross-validated results.


The documentation contains warnings that the intercept itself is subject to regularization, like every other feature, and that intercept_scaling can be used to address this. But how should I choose this value? One simple answer is to explore many possible combinations of C and intercept_scaling and choose the parameters that give the best performance. But this parameter search will take quite a while and I'd like to avoid that if possible.


Ideally, I would like to use the intercept to control the distribution of output predictions. That is, I would like to ensure that the probability that the classifier predicts "class 1" on the training set is equal to the proportion of "class 1" data in the training set. I know that this is the case under certain circumstances, but this is not the case in my data. I don't know if it's due to the regularization or to the non-Gaussian nature of the input data.




While you tried oversampling the positive class by setting class_weight="auto"? That effectively oversamples the underrepresented classes and undersamples the majority class.


(The current stable docs are a bit confusing since they seem to have been copy-pasted from SVC and not edited for LR; that's just changed in the bleeding edge version.)

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09-05 11:08