


I'm trying to get my program running on Windows. It depends on GDAL, a library for loading GIS data. It compiles and links fine on both Linux and macOS. I'm using CMake with MinGW and I'm running into linking errors like this:

undefined reference to `GDALRasterBand::RasterIO(GDALRWFlag, int, int, int, int, void*, int, int, GDALDataType, long, long, GDALRasterIOExtraArg*)'
CMakeFiles\Routes.dir/objects.a(elevation.cpp.obj): In function `ZN13ElevationData9calcStatsEv':
C:/Users/Logan/Documents/Routes/src/elevation/elevation.cpp:138: undefined reference to `GDALDataset::GetRasterXSize()'
C:/Users/Logan/Documents/Routes/src/elevation/elevation.cpp:139: undefined reference to `GDALDataset::GetRasterYSize()'
CMakeFiles\Routes.dir/objects.a(elevation.cpp.obj): In function `ZN13ElevationData17createOpenCLImageEv':
C:/Users/Logan/Documents/Routes/src/elevation/elevation.cpp:206: undefined reference to `GDALRasterBand::RasterIO(GDALRWFlag, int, int, int, int, void*, int, int, GDALDataType, long, long, GDALRasterIOExtraArg*)'


I compiled GDAL with VS2017 and I've verified that it is installed where I am specifying in my CMake File. Here is the relevant portions of the CMakeLists.txt:

IF (WIN32)

  message(STATUS "Compiling for Windows")
  set(GDAL_LIBRARY "C:/warmerda/bld/lib/gdal_i.lib")
  set(GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR "C:/warmerda/bld/include/")

  find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)



target_link_libraries(Routes ${GDAL_LIBRARY} ${OpenCL_LIBRARIES})


I almost never do development on Windows so I'm kind of stuck. I've tried linking against the dll as well with no avail. Any ideas?


显然,您正在尝试将用VC ++编译的库与对象链接您正在使用GCC(MinGW)进行编译的文件.那不行GCC和VC ++具有不同且不兼容的 ABI ,尤其是不同的名称修改协议.因此,MinGW在目标代码中发出的错误函数名称将与您的VC ++编译库导出的任何内容都不匹配.您将需要用MinGW构建GDAL库.

Apparently you're attempting to link a library you compiled with VC++ with objectfiles that you're compiling with GCC (MinGW). That doesn't work.GCC and VC++ have different and incompatible ABIs,and in particular different name mangling protocols.Hence the mangled function names emitted by MinGW in your object code willnot match any exported by your VC++ compiled library. You will need tobuild the GDAL library with MinGW.


09-26 21:16